Miss Giò indossa un gioiello di Lal Dal Monte
Miss Giò indossa un gioiello di Lal Dal Monte

RJW winners

On Saturday, January 25, the Incinque Open Art Monti Gallery in Rome will present the new theme for the 2025 open call for artists of the Incinque Jewels Award, entitled Gaudium – The Jubilee Jewel, as part of the RJW. The award ceremony will also be held for some artists selected by Alessio Boschi, an imaginative designer born in Rome, although he has lived and worked in Bangkok since 2010. Also on January 25, the artists awarded by Mani Intelligenti, Bedetti 1882, Mike Joseph, Lefevre, Elena Donati award, Dettaglidattimi, Rossella Ugolini and MissGiò will meet, as well as a designer who participated in the Incinque Jewels contest, Francesca Luciani.

Collana di Anna Pinzari
Anna Pinzari necklace

Roma Jewelry Week is the cultural event aimed at promoting the culture of jewelry in all its forms and expressions. In particular, the initiative aims to create a link between history, tradition, savoir faire, goldsmith art, contemporary art and territory, transforming itself into an opportunity to explore not only the immense intangible heritage, but also the vast artistic and historical heritage of Rome.
Miss Giò indossa gioielli di Alessio Boschi
Miss Giò wears jewelery by Alessio Boschi

The designer-artists awarded by Alessio Boschi are: Ivan Barbato, Francesco Ridolfi, Luigina Rech and Mariana Gorga.
For the Mani Intelligenti Award: Lal Dal Monte, who received two mentions, and also, thanks to Mani Intelligenti and Alessia Crivelli, participated in an internship dedicated to him as a prize, at the Costa1963 company.
The Incinque Jewels Award was given to: Matteo Vitali, Luigina Rech and Francois Santo, for “Fine Jewelry” and to Arata Fuchi, Livia D’Agostino and Anna Paparella for “Sperimental jewelry”. Special mention for experimental jewelry to Romana Mateias of Assamblage School.
Bedetti 1882 Award, for young designers: Lal Dal Monte-IED Rome
Mike Joseph Award for fine jewelry: Ivan Barbato
Lefevre Award for Know-How: Matteo Vitali
Elena Donati Award for young international artist/designer: Cesar Alvarez Lopez, Ashley Youngsun Nam, Marco Antonio Madriz
Detaildattimi Award for students: Raul di Tomo-IED Rome
Celebre Magazine and Journaldebijoux Group Media Partner Award: Anna Pinzari
Rossella Ugolini Consulting Award: Lee Ikchan
MissGiò Award: Atelier Jen
Venice Design Week: Laura Di Leo
It will be a precious moment of meeting and exchange between the designers awarded in October and the residents of “Incinque Jewels”: Simone Vera Bath, Myriam Bottazzi, Simona della Bella, Dettaglidattimi, Elena Donati, Chiara Fenicia, Angela Gentile, Emanuele Leonardi, Paolo Mangano, Maria Patrizia Marra, Matuta, Maria Gaia Piccini, Anna Pinzari, Francesco Ridolfi, Lorella Verrillo and Weme

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