2025 is under the sign of the snake, an animal that has also inspired jewelers. The Chinese zodiac lasts one solar year, which this year begins on Wednesday, January 29. The holiday is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture, but it is celebrated all over the world in regions and countries that are home to significant Chinese-speaking populations, especially in Southeast Asia such as Singapore, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, but also the Philippines, and Thailand. Chinese New Year is also celebrated in Australia, Canada, France, Mauritius, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as in many European countries.
Every 12 years, the Chinese zodiac assigns a symbolic animal. The snake is the sixth in the cycle. If you are wondering, according to the Chinese, the snake represents wisdom, knowledge, intelligence, intuition and creativity. Snakes are also associated with good luck, prosperity, fertility and longevity. In some legends, snakes are considered divine messengers and guardians of sacred places. Snakes are also revered for their ability to shed their skin and renew themselves, symbolizing transformation and rebirth. And there is no shortage of jewelry that uses the shape of the snake.