Demolizione dei padiglioni a Fiera Vicenza
Demolizione dei padiglioni a Fiera Vicenza

Work at Fiera Vicenza is in full swing

Ieg, the company that organizes Vicenzaoro, is keen to update exhibitors and visitors to the Vicenza Jewelery Fair on the progress of the renovation works in the area. Also to prevent anyone from being surprised to find an open construction site next September. The central point is that from last April 29th to today, the above-ground part of the building inaugurated in 1971 and in use until the last edition of Vicenzaoro January was removed. In short, the works are progressing on schedule.

Vicenzaoro January, ingresso. Copyright:
Vicenzaoro January 2024. Copyright:

Thus ends the first of the three phases of the timetable established for the Vicenza district, the one relating to demolitions. In the next few weeks the area will be freed from the demolished materials and we will proceed with the removal of the foundations and the related backfills to precede the start, in September, of the construction of the new pavilion to be completed in the first half of 2026. At the same time we have started the works for the installation of the three temporary pavilions which will accompany us until the works are completed.
Mario Vescovo, director of the Vicenza office of Ieg and operations director

Mario Vescovo
Mario Vescovo

The demolition of pavilion 2 closes a process that began last February and which in March led to the completion of the first step: the demolition of pavilion 5, a construction always present in the area on which the new building of approximately 22,000 square meters will be built.

At the same time we are focusing on the 2024 edition of Vicenzaoro September, so that the 300 companies previously positioned in the area called the snail, which will find space in the temporary pavilions, enjoy optimal conditions. We have designed the new layout according to format and business logic and we are accompanying this path with targeted marketing activities capable of better orienting all our stakeholders.
Matteo Farsura, global exhibition manager jewelery & fashion Ieg

Matteo Farsura
Matteo Farsura

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