Visitatori a T.Gold
Visitatori a T.Gold

Jewelry Technology with T.Gold

Alongside Vicenzaoro January, T.Gold returns from 17 to 21 January 2025, an event focusing on cutting-edge machinery and technologies for jewelry processing. The expo, organized by Italian Exhibition Group, brings together the most complete offering of goldsmith machinery and technologies thanks to 170 companies from 16 countries, for an increasingly global event with all the excellence of Made in Italy and 40% of foreign exhibitors. Germany, Turkey, Switzerland, the United States and the United Kingdom are the most represented countries. T.Gold presents itself as a platform where high technology meets goldsmith tradition to respond to the needs of a constantly evolving market, increasingly competitive and attentive to sustainability

Espositori a T.Gold 2020
Exhibitors at T.Gold

The fair will feature leading companies such as Elettrolaser, Italimpianti Orafi, Sisma, Orotig and Legor Group, confirming the leadership of Made in Italy in the sector. Among the best international players expected are companies such as the Germans Heimerle + Meule and Schultheiss, the Swiss Starrag Vuadens and Goodwin Refractory Services from the United Kingdom. Together with T.Gold, the Jewellery Technology Forum returns, organized by Ieg in collaboration with Legor Group. Among the most anticipated moments of the event, it will offer an overview of future trends and challenges in the sector.
Macchine per oreficeria a T.Gold
Goldsmithing machines at T.Gold

The exhibition area will be hosted in Hall 9, connected to Vicenzaoro with a free shuttle service. T.Golf is organized into six main categories: alloy treatments and galvanic treatments, technologies for prototyping and digital production, advanced mechanical processing, assembly and welding techniques, refining and recovery processes, finishing tools and tooling.

Buyer a T.Gold
Business at T.Gold

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