Bracciale in oro rosa e diamanti. Prezzo: 35.000 euro

Repossi, minimum at maximum

The maximum of the minimum signed by Gaia Repossi: The White Noise Collection.
It’s called White Noise. It is the maximum of the minimum. Or, rather, of minimalism signed Gaia Repossi. The Italian designer who in 2007, at age 21, found herself at the head of the Maison founded by his grandfather in Turin in 1920, he conquered Paris. And in the fall of 2015 he also won the interest of LVMH, the group that became shareholder of the Maison. Thanks to this economic liason, Gaia Repossi has inaugurated the boutique in Place Vendôme, Paris, with a lot of glass and spaces. Where you can admire, by the way, the White Noise Collection. If you like jewelry frills, embroidery and trinkets, for sure you will not be fascinated by this collection that has prices that reach 35,000 Euros (you find them in the captions). On the contrary, if you like the fantasies that run on a single line, the mess orderly, the essential cleaning and repeated up to create a complex shape, then the White Noise collection will be your pleasant torture (if you do not have the money to buy it, of course). She, Gaia Repossi, will remain unruffled at your fainting, because is already thinking about what will draw to surprise you. Alessia Mongrando

Orecchini in oro rosa e diamanti della collezione White Noise
Orecchini in oro rosa e diamanti della collezione White Noise. Prezzo: 29.500 euro
Bracciale in oro rodiato e diamanti neri della collezione White Noise
Bracciale in oro rodiato e diamanti neri della collezione White Noise. Prezzo: 29.000 euro
Anello in oro rodiato e diamanti neri della collezione White Noise
Anello in oro rodiato e diamanti neri della collezione White Noise. Prezzo: 7.200 euro
Anello in oro bianco rodiato rosa
Anello in oro bianco rodiato rosa. Prezzo: 2900 euro
Bracciale in oro rosa con diamanti. Prezzo: 33.000 euro
Bracciale in oro rosa con diamanti. Prezzo: 33.000 euro
Bracciale in oro rosa. Prezzo: 11.800 euro
Bracciale in oro rosa. Prezzo: 11.800 euro
Bracciale in oro rosa e diamanti. Prezzo: 35.000 euro
Bracciale in oro rosa e diamanti. Prezzo: 35.000 euro
Anelloin oro rosa e diamanti. Prezzo: 9.800 euro
Anelloin oro rosa e diamanti. Prezzo: 9.800 euro

OroSoffiato, creativity is precision” (Modifica)”>

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