Lora Nikolova composizione
Lora Nikolova composizione

Lora Nikolova, bijoux are a framework

From Sofia to Milan, to paint and invent jewelry craft, creative, floating: is the path of Lora Nikolova, a young Bulgarian who graduated at the Accademia di Brera in Milan. With a dream: to concretize the fantasy that feels within himself. She hit the mark: next to the creation of paintings, accompanied by exhibitions in several galleries, Lora has specialized in jewelery made with different techniques. With a style that in some ways reminiscent of the abstraction of Kandinsky or the deconstruction of Picasso’s early twentieth century. “As a child I was attracted by the creations manual, I always liked to build model and I was good to express my ideas through three-dimensional sketches,” says. “The first jewelry I created them using cernit \ fimo (polymer clay) then, thanks to studies of stage design, I started to develop my own style, putting that imagination that has stimulated the realization of bijoux. At first I sought a strong aesthetic impact, and was making art and design that focused on the composition and and the color appearance. I love the colors and strong contrasts in my creations as the black thread is almost always present, and some look like cobwebs, with a network that combines the colored spots in a playful composition of volumes and colors. I can not give a precise definition to my style: my jewelry convey a strong emotional charge, reflect my being and at the same time become the wearable items”. You can find the jewels in some shops of Milan, as Otto Segreti and Soqqadro, or Le Formiche Store, in Sicily. “But sometimes I organize some exposure in my creative workshop called LN Bijoux & Art Atelier, together with other artists and brands,” he adds. An idea about ​​prices: necklaces of glass beads and plastic (mixed media) vary between 50-100 Euros. Necklaces more elaborate, such as those with paper mache, have slightly higher costs. Lavinia Andorno

Girocollo di Lora Nikolova
Girocollo di Lora Nikolova
Collana verde
Collana verde
Collana d'argento
Collana d’argento
Pendente arancio
Pendente arancio
Collana con perline
Collana con perline
Collana con elementi plastici
Collana con elementi plastici
Collana indossata
Collana indossata
Mostra di Lora Nikolova
Mostra di Lora Nikolova
Mostra di bijoux di Lora NIkolova
Mostra di bijoux di Lora NIkolova
Lovely, Lora Nikolova
Lovely, Lora Nikolova
Orecchini a forma di lisca di pesce
Orecchini a forma di lisca di pesce
Lora Nikolova, collana con elementi di plastica
Lora Nikolova, altra collana con elementi di plastica
Lora Nikolova, collana con elementi di plastica
Lora Nikolova, collana con elementi di plastica
Lora Nikolova, collana con perline
Lora Nikolova, collana con perline
Kushti, nome della cintura sacra indossato dagli zoroastriani
Kushti, nome della cintura sacra indossato dagli zoroastriani
Orecchini di Lora Nikolova
Orecchini di Lora Nikolova
Lora Nikolova, collana indossata
Lora Nikolova, collana indossata
Lora Nikolova, collana con perline
Lora Nikolova, collana con perline
Lora Nikolova
Lora Nikolova
Collana Lora Nikolova
Collana Lora Nikolova
Collana di Lora Nikolova
Collana di Lora Nikolova
Lora Nikolova, collana
Lora Nikolova, collana

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