Collana a forma di crostata di fragole
Collana a forma di crostata di fragole

Everyone on a diet with the food jewelry

Do you happen to like food, but have you eaten too much lately? Instead of going on a diet you can limit yourself to wearing these jewelry in the shape of food by Norihito Hatanaka ♦

Melon, zucchini, citrus fruits: no, they are not the ingredients of a detox diet after the big binges, but of necklaces, earrings, rings and bracelets, so realistic that you want to eat them, except that they are made with resins. The idea comes from Norihito Hatanaka, a Japanese artist of display food, a very common custom in the Japanese restaurant industry, who launched his own line of jewelry with traditional Asian and Western dishes.

Spilla a forma di croissant
Croissant Brooch

There is the brass bracelet covered with bacon (fake, of course), the pendant with cream and strawberry shortcrust pastry and fork, the pork necklace with vegetables, the pancake ring with a lot of maple syrup and butter . They can be found on the website and prices range from 2 to 9 thousand yen (from 18 to 60 euros). To visit only when you are not hungry. However, Hatanaka does not only create jewelry food, but also elaborate reproductions of Japanese, Western, Chinese food, sweets, bread and sandwiches, fruit, ingredients and drinks: it is difficult to distinguish fake food from authentic food.

Anello Daigakuimo
Daigakuimo Ring
Anello Yakimochi
Yakimochi Ring
Orecchini banana
Banana Earrings
Orecchini pancake
Pancake Earrings
Orecchini a forma di pancetta con pepe nero
Black Pepper Bacon Earrings
Spilla sushi
Sushi Brooch

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