Collana e anello Rise of Sun indossati. Copyright:
Collana e anello Rise of Sun indossati. Copyright:

Vicenzaoro January kicks off

Italian jewelery exports in the first nine months of 2023 increased by 11.3%, to over 8 billion euros, despite the slowdown in the third quarter of 2023 (+4.2% compared to 13.7% in the second quarter and to 16.2% of the first). Federorafi’s photography, processed by the Confindustria Moda Study Center and Istat data, marks the context in which the seventieth edition of Vicenzaoro January – The Jewelery Boutique Show (19-23 January) opens. The event organized by Ieg presents, for the occasion, a logo dedicated to the anniversary and an iconographic exhibition among the pavilions at the Fair. This edition registers over 1,300 exhibiting brands from 37 countries. Vicenzaoro is flanked by T.Gold, dedicated to jewelery technologies, and the fifth edition of VO Vintage, an event open to the public of vintage watch and jewelery enthusiasts.

Vicenzaoro 2023
Vicenzaoro 2023

Above all, business is at the center: 40% of the buyers come from abroad, in total over 500 buyers hosted thanks to the support of the network of Ice offices (state export agency). The main destination markets of jewelery or semi-finished products are Switzerland (15% of the total, +31.2% on the same period of 2022), the United States (13.4%, +5.3%) and France (10.2%, +15, 8). However, Germany, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Canada are decreasing, while the decline towards Russia and Ukraine obviously continues (-24.6%). In the first nine months of 2023, the cumulative turnover figure of Italian companies grew by 8.1%.

Vicenzaoro 70 logo
Vicenzaoro 70 years logo
Vicenzaoro September 2023, espositori
Vicenzaoro September 2023, exhibitors


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