Last year Cara Delevigne at her sister Poppy’s wedding wore a necklace with a sapphire pendant, in monkey shape. The jewel, by De Grisogono, has an estimated value of approximately 350 thousand euro. But it is in 2016 that the jewelry in the shape of a monkey know a resounding success. The reason is simple: this year, according to the Chinese horoscope, is the year of the monkey. A coincidence that prompted most of the jewelers to find in drawers or design some earrings, rings and necklaces in the shape of the animal closest to humans. That, in fact, has long been a subject of the most favorite animal in the collections, as you can see from these images. The last in order of time, the ring with monkey that we tracked in space by Roberto Coin at VicenzaOro January: is gold, with a diamond-paved. On the other hand, according to the Chinese zodiac monkey is a sign dedicated to creative people, inventors, designers. In a nutshell, the jewelry designer. Lavinia Andorno
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