Diamante rosa-violaceo (vivid purplish pin) estratto nella miniera di Argyle
Diamante rosa-violaceo (vivid purplish pin) estratto nella miniera di Argyle

The super mine of pink diamonds stop

Diamonds? They are not forever. At some point they end, stop, that’s enough. In the world of jewelry there are those who cry already after the closure of one of the most famous diamond mines in the world, the Australian Argyle. Since 1983 this deposit has extracted 90% of the world’s pink diamonds. But now it has stopped out of business. It is estimated that the Argyle mine produced around 10,000 carats of diamonds a year before running out.

Diamante Aryle Avaline. Taglio a forma di cuscino, Fancy Purple Pink, 2,42 carati
Diamante Argyle Avaline. Taglio a forma di cuscino, Fancy Purple Pink, 2,42 carati

In recent years, the deposit has been one of the rare places on Earth where pink diamonds were found, perhaps the color most appreciated by collectors. Like the 24.78-carat Fancy Intense Pink that sold for over $ 46 million in 2010 and remained a record auction price for any diamond for many years. The top, however, belongs to the CTF Pink Star, a 59.60 carat Fancy Vivid Pink Internally Flawless diamond sold for 71.2 million dollars in 2017 in Hong Kong. But these two had been mined in Africa, not Australia.

Diamante Argyle Everglow, 2.11 carati, radiant shaped, Fancy Red diamond
Diamante Argyle Everglow, 2.11 carati, radiant shaped, Fancy Red diamond, Rio Tinto

The Argyle mine, which takes its name from the nearby lake, however, offered many more pink diamonds. The deposit was discovered in 1979. In all these years it has produced 865 million carats of rough diamonds. But it is the pink ones that entice collectors. In case you are interested, know that the latest Argyle Pinks in circulation are on sale at Lorraine Schwartz’s New York jewelry store.

Il diamante rosa Pink Star
Il diamante rosa Pink Star

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