Vetrina a Open!
Vetrina a Open!

Tarì dodges the virus and confirms the business

Open! it’s closed. It sounds like a play on words, but it’s not. Open! is the event organized at Tarì, the distribution and production center of Marcianise (near Naples, Italy): four days dedicated to the jewelry business. And, despite the bad times, the balance seems positive: 480 companies present, including those operating all year round at the Center and those invited for the occasion, for a total of over 3,700 stores. It seems that the arrival of the general manager, Corrado Facco, who has the experience gained in the same role at VicenzaOro behind him, has helped.

Esterno del Tarì
Esterno del Tarì

We are very satisfied with the large participation in Open !. The results bode well for the relaunch of the sector: the difficulties were many, but the desire to get up is even greater and Open! he proved it. We made a courageous choice, wanting at all costs to transfer to the market a very strong signal of industriousness and confidence, which was widely appreciated. We have invested in very advanced technologies and in the training of human resources, to better face the security challenge we have faced. The results have amply repaid us, confirming the great confidence of the Italian retailer in the business formula proposed by Il Tarì.
Vincenzo Giannotti, president of Tarì

Vincenzo Giannotti
Vincenzo Giannotti

According to the organizers, the turnout data and the volume of business were stable compared to the last important business event that took place at Tarì before the epidemic, in October 2019. Many organizational changes have taken place, complicit in this success , such as the new ways of accessing the Center and a pre-registration system for operators.
Furthermore, thanks to the collaboration with Ice, an expected incoming of European buyers from Poland, Croatia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Spain and Albania took place, also organized with a structured agenda of appointments.
Vetrina a Open!
Vetrina a Open!

Corrado Facco
Corrado Facco

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