The Pandora Me collection for young people: 28 charms to add to three bracelets ♦ ︎
According to grammar, the word me is a pronoun of a singular person. That is, it is indicating a point of view of a person acting or talking about something about him or her. In short, a semantic selfie or, if you prefer, the first step of an ego that precedes the rest of the world. In short, the opposite of Buddhist philosophy and, instead, very common in the so-called Generation Z, that of young people under the age of 25.
They are addressed by them the new Pandora Me bijoux collection. Composed of 18 charms, a bracelet made up of chain links, and two other bracelets, one in a snake and a rigid sweater, single earrings and a safety pin, all in silver Sterling 925 and finished by hand. The collection includes elements in the shape of the usual symbols, such as the moon, leaf, flower or emoji, with embedded colored crystals.