Nec sine te nec tecum vivere possum. Translation: I cannot live with you, nor without you. It is one of the most famous and beautiful phrases in Latin, attributed to Ovid, and usually referred to the torment of secret lovers, but which fits perfectly with February 14, the feast of lovers. In this phrase, the word tecum (with you) is defined by grammar as a personal and reflexive pronoun together with the complement of companionship. This small digression on the Latin language serves to introduce the Tecum collection by Pianegonda, which the brand is re-proposing for Valentine’s Day, the feast of lovers.
Tecum is a rather large collection, over 40 pieces, which uses the shape of large chains in many models. Silver is the basic material used by Pianegonda, but in this collection, alongside the classic silver in a shiny or opaque version, the metal is also presented in black rhodium, or with yellow gold plating, in some cases used on the same jewel: a novelty in the world of the Venetian brand.