Orecchini di Dolman indossati
Orecchini di Dolman

Milano Fashion&Jewels with Bijorcha Paris

News for Milano Fashion&Jewels, an event that returns from 22 to 25 February 2025 in Milano Rho. The news concerns the partnership between the Milanese fair and Bijorcha – Who’s Next Paris. In January Milano Fashion&Jewels will be present at Bijorcha, the French professional fair dedicated to the world of jewelry and, vice versa, in February Bijorcha will have its space in Milan. The partnership promotes the art of jewelry as a shared heritage and enhances the innovation and tradition that characterize Italian and French cultures.

Gioielli di Sodini indossati
Sodini Jewels

Another collaboration is with Roma Jewelry Week, an event dedicated to the promotion and enhancement of contemporary, designer and artist jewelry. Also for 2025, Milano Fashion&Jewels will be the main partner of the initiative, awarding a prize to the best designer who will create a work that expresses a perfect balance between innovation, design and competitiveness. The appointment in Rome is set for October 2025, but Roma Jewelry Week will be present at the next February edition of Milano Fashion&Jewels, where it will present a preview of the new products planned for October.
Gioielli di Aquaforte
Aquaforte Jewels

The collaboration with CNA Federmoda and CNA Artistico e Tradizionale, as well as that with Confartigianato Imprese, has also been confirmed for 2025. These partnerships are of crucial importance in making Milano Fashion&Jewels the ideal stage for Italian micro-enterprises, celebrating their creativity and ability to transform ideas into unique products and services, true treasures of artisan ingenuity.
Milano Fashion&Jewels

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