Anello in ottone, galvanica oro rosa, cristalli Swarovski amethyst, light amethyst e crystal
Anello in ottone, galvanica oro rosa, cristalli Swarovski amethyst, light amethyst e crystal

Brosway for Christmas


Brosway rings and earrings for the Christmas holidays: brass with gold and Swarovski crystals ♦ ︎

Bros Manifatture celebrated its first 40 years and, precisely for this reason, continues to offer innovations with its brands. Starting with Brosway, which offers new earrings and rings just for the Christmas holidays. The jewelery brand group chooses new variants of its collections. In this case, brass and galvanic rose gold earrings with antique pink, amethyst and red Swarovski crystals, or a brass ring, gold galvanic, topaz Swarovski crystals, crystal golden shadow and emerald. Or, again, brass earrings, gold galvanic, colored zircons and Swarovski crystal golden shadow crystals.

Orecchini in ottone, galvanica oro, zirconi colorati e cristalli Swarovski crystal golden shadow
Orecchini in ottone, galvanica oro, zirconi colorati e cristalli Swarovski crystal golden shadow

Silver jewels with galvanic pink or yellow gold and always with Swarovski crystals remain on the price list. The rings have two or three circles, with crystals of different colors on each circle, while the earrings are also embellished with small crystals set in the metal band surrounding the lobe. Prices are under 50 euros.
Anello in ottone rodiato e cristalli Swarovski
Anello in ottone rodiato e cristalli Swarovski

Anello in ottone, galvanica oro rosa, cristalli Swarovski amethyst, light amethyst e crystal
Anello in ottone, galvanica oro rosa, cristalli Swarovski amethyst, light amethyst e crystal
Orecchin in ottone, galvanica oro rosa, zirconi bianchi e cristalli Swarovski light amethyst
Orecchin in ottone, galvanica oro rosa, zirconi bianchi e cristalli Swarovski light amethyst
Orecchin in ottone, galvanica oro rosa, zirconi bianchi e cristalli Swarovski Provence lavender
Orecchin in ottone, galvanica oro rosa, zirconi bianchi e cristalli Swarovski Provence lavender

Orecchini in ottone rodiato, zirconi bianchi e cristalli Swarovski
Orecchini in ottone rodiato, zirconi bianchi e cristalli Swarovski

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