Anello Dalmata, in argento e smalto
Anello Dalmata, in argento e smalto

And the ring did: woof!


If you like dogs here is the ring for you: Dog Fever. Why be surprised? There are ladies who do not leave their pet on all fours even for a second. And the ranks of animal lovers are growing in numbers. Dog Fever is the collection designed for them. The collection consists of a series of rings and bracelets depicting different dog breeds, from the bull terrier to the labrador. They can be in silver only, or colored, and in gold with a galvanic bath.

Anello Dalmata, in argento e smalto
Anello Dalmata, in argento e smalto

The idea comes by Nove25, a Milan-based company specializing in silver jewelry. The headquarters-laboratory is a large space of 700 square meters with a vaguely Anglo-Saxon atmosphere in which the founder, Roberto Dibenedetto, who created the company in 2005, also works. Nove25’s creative jewels have multiplied (there is also a series that has as its subject cats) and today there are eight Nove25 stores, including direct and franchising, located in the historic centers of Milan, Rome, Naples, Como, Turin, Lugano, Ibiza and Valencia.

Anello American Staffordshire in argento
Anello American Staffordshire in argento
Bracciale Buldog in argento e smalto
Bracciale Buldog in argento e smalto
Anello Bassotto in argento
Anello Bassotto in argento
Anelli Fever Dog
Anelli Fever Dog
French Bulldog al dito
French Bulldog al dito
Bulldog francese in argento
Bulldog francese in argento
Bull Terrier
Bull Terrier
Labrador in argento
Labrador in argento

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