Orecchini con perle dorate
Orecchini con perle dorate

Yoko London Baroque

It is the year of the Baroque and Yoko London’s fine jewelry also embraces this style that arose in Italy between the late 16th and early 17th centuries, and from Italy spread throughout Europe in the world of art, literature, music, and many other fields. Perhaps not everyone knows that the term Baroque comes from the French baroque, which follows the Portuguese barroco and the Spanish barrueco, which designate the irregularly shaped pearl.

Anello in oro con perla barocca e diamanti
Gold ring with baroque pearl and diamonds

The Baroque collection by Yoko London is a tribute to the captivating beauty and natural charm of these pearls. Each piece in this collection features baroque pearl colors ranging from delicate blue to warm gold, perfectly cradled by diamond-studded designs, which trace the individual shape of each pearl used. These pieces are completely one of a kind, with each setting created around the unique shape of each individual pearl. With their timeless charm and allure, pieces from the Baroque collection symbolize refinement and grace, inviting you to explore the enchanting wonders of the sea with every wear.
Orecchini con perle barocche di Tahiti
Tahitian baroque pearl earrings

Anello moi et toi con perle bianca e dorata
Moi et toi ring with white and gold pearls
Spilla a con perla a forma di granchio e diamanti
Crab pearl brooch with diamonds
Anello con perla barocca di Tahiti
Tahitian baroque pearl ring
Orecchini della collezione Baroque
Baroque collection earrings

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