VicenzaOro January, the result. After closing the major winter jewelry fair, Ieg (the company that organizes VicenzaOro), has drawn conclusions. Some numbers are now known: 1,500 total exhibitors, but also over 35,000 admissions, the maximum of the last ten years and over 40 events.
In summary, the fair’s balance sheet indicates that visits from abroad are increasing, while the Italian market also seems to awaken. According to data from the Italian Exhibition Group, foreign incoming accounts for 60% of the total visits overall. Visitors who came from 126 foreign countries. Italy’s data was also positive: + 12%.
In detail, the United States leads the ranking of foreign countries most represented by operators with + 30% compared to 2019. Japan (+ 22%) also confirms the growing interest of strategic markets for Made in Italy production, as well as the near the Middle East (+ 6% overall). The Asia and Far East areas show + 4% overall. The macro-region of Africa + 7%. And Russia is also growing again with + 6%.
Visits from Europe, an area that is worth about 50% of the foreign presence in Vicenzaoro, mark + 9% on the increase, which was already double-digit in 2019, with attendance on the increase in particular from German-speaking countries. In short, the numbers seem to drive away any shadow: VicenzaOro not only resists, but insists successfully. And, above all, the increase occurs at a difficult time for other fairs and geopolitical tensions.
To help the success of VicenzaOro January we must remember the partnership with Ice (Agency for the promotion abroad and the internationalization of Italian companies), Confindustria Federorafi, Confartigianato, Confimi Goldsmith and silversmith industry and Cna. In particular, Ice has promoted specific activities on the US market resulting from 120 B2B meetings held in Vicenzaoro between very large American retail buyers and Italian companies.
Upcoming appointments with Ieg’s Jewelery Agenda: OoroArezzo (18-21 April), Vicenzaoro September (5-9 September) and Vod Dubai International Jewelery Show in the autumn.