Gaia Caramzza, anello in bronzo con agata verde
Anello in bronzo con agata verde

The wavy jewels by Gaia Caramazza

The jewels by the Roman designer Gaia Caramazza, silver, bronze and colored stones ♦
Among the 650 companies present at OroArezzo 2017 there was also Gaia Caramazza. She is a jewelery maker who represents, in a sense, the roman soul of jewelery. So much so that he has her showroom in Margutta street, that is, in the most exclusive shopping street of the Capital. Her story is double-stranded with that of Rome: she studied at the Orafe Arts Academy in the city and since 2012, when she is a full-time jeweler.
After a period of exploration of styles and forms of creativity, she found her formula and her space. Now, for example, Gaia Caramazza is permanently present at Altaroma events “alongside stylists and prestigious designers.” For her jewelry uses a mixed technique. For example, engage bronze or silver with stones such as topaz, calcite, agate, quartz, or mother of pearl. Often the stones are left in the rough state as mother nature has produced them. The metal set, on the other hand, follows wavy, almost contorted lines, which form almost a wave motion. On the other hand, Rome is close to the sea. Alessia Mongrando

Collezione Petra, bracciale in argento con quarzo rosa
Collezione Petra, bracciale in argento con quarzo rosa
Collezione Petra, collana  in bronzo con topazio
Collezione Petra, collana in bronzo con topazio
Collezione Petra, collana  in argento con cianite
Collezione Petra, collana in argento con cianite
Bracciale in bronzo con calcite
Bracciale in bronzo con calcite
Anello in argento e ametista
Anello in argento e ametista
Gaia Caramzza, anello in bronzo con agata verde
Anello in bronzo con agata verde
Collezione Petra, collana  in bronzo con ambra
Collezione Petra, collana in bronzo con ambra
Gaia Caramzza, collana  in bronzo con agata verde
Gaia Caramzza, collana in bronzo con agata verde

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