Collezione Animal World, il Cigno nero
Collezione Animal World, il Cigno nero di Master Exclusive Jewellery

The nature of Master Exclusive Jewelery


Master Exclusive Jewelery, from the deep Russia a Maison that produces extraordinary pieces ♦ ︎
Izhevsk is a city in Russia, capital of the Republic of Udmurtia, not far from the Ural mountains. In short, a city far from the western centers, but also from Moscow and St. Petersburg. Yet here, in 1994, began the story of Master Exclusive Jewelery founded by Andrey Platonov, a Maison that offers incredible jewels, unique pieces that are fantastic sculptures, often inspired by the world of animals and nature. But the jewelry have not, in this case, modern lines that have some analogy with natural forms.

Collezione Animal World, il Cigno nero
Collezione Animal World, il Cigno nero

Just look at small masterpieces such as the fox or the parrot to understand how the spirit is rather that of a naturalism that even seems to evoke the Flemish painters of the seventeenth century. Modern technologies, they explain to Master Exclusive Jewelery, “have opened to the jewelers a large space for experiments and allowed to create real masterpieces”. Translated: the design with the Cad programs and the computing power of the computers facilitate the creation phase of the jewel. Then, however, there is the work of realization, entrusted to the skilled hands of the artisans. The large and medium-sized precious stones also have cuts outside the usual: diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, London Blue topazes, tourmaline, opals, baroque pearls, quartz, are used to compose the shades of feathers, petals or furs of animals or flowers represented. Too bad that the West does not sufficiently know this extraordinary Maison. Rudy Serra

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