Anello in oro rosa, con tanzanite, diamanti e smeraldi
Anello in oro rosa, con tanzanite, diamanti e smeraldi

The JJewels goals

The ambitious jewelry by JJewels, mark of White Blue Group.
In VicenzaOro is renewed every year the rite of Trendvision Jewellery + Forecasting. It is the independent observatory of Vicenza Fair which this year presented the Trendbook 2018+, now in its 15th edition and guide dedicated to trends in the world of jewelery (we talked about here). Among the brands included in the analysis 2016 also appears Blue White Group, Milan-based company that brings together four brands: JJewels, Duepunti and BlueWhite Diamonds, while Leaderline business is of wholesale market. Each of these brands is able to interpret the needs of a specific market segment. JJweles caters to an audience more inclined to innovation, most canny and unconventional, but looking for quality jewelry. Duepunti proposes, instead, a jewelry line affordable, with a curious mix of synthetic materials and diamonds. Not to mention that remains alive activity centered on the gemstone trade of the group’s founder, David Joshach, who in 1974 established the company. Alessia Mongrando

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Anello in oro rosa e diamanti
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Anello in oro rosa, con tanzanite, diamanti e smeraldi
Anello in oro rosa, con tanzanite, diamanti e smeraldi

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