Piercing in oro bianco e diamanti
Piercing in oro bianco e diamanti

Ribas’ piercings

For years, piercing has become part of the world of jewellery, as demonstrated by the Ribas brand. The small metal studs, which were originally a transgressive ornament, have evolved into precious jewels, without losing their characteristic. Although the piercing became a symbol of the punk culture of the 1970s and 1980s, it actually has older roots and is still used as a distinctive sign in tribal areas. As well as in the metropolitan tribes of today’s big cities, obviously. Fashion, as well as jewelry, uses studs in different ways to make outfits even more customizable. The Ribas Jewelery proposal for the Piercing line, one of the most requested categories, includes various types and models.

Bracciali e collane tennis indossate con orecchini e piercing
Tennis bracelets and necklaces worn with earrings and piercings

From Barbells in yellow and white gold, i.e. the classic bar with two locking balls, to the more elaborate and covered with diamonds, from the more romantic in the shape of a flower or butterfly, to the more rock in the shape of a lightning bolt. Each model is available in three versions, gold, white gold and rose gold. The guarantee of the quality of the precious stones, certified by the Israeli Diamond Exchange of which Ribas Jewelery is a member, combines with the attention to detail and the young and captivating design to create unique and highly appealing jewels.
Combinazioni di piercing by Ribas
Piercing combinations by Ribas

Orecchino pendente e piercing in oro bianco e diamanti
Pendant and piercing earring in white gold and diamonds
Piercing by Ribas
Piercing by Ribas

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