The four seasons of Palmiero are small precious mosaics ♦ ︎
One of the characteristics of Italy, in addition to good food, art and long history, is the landscape. Seas, mountains, hills, offer not only fascinating landscapes but also varying over time. Trees, skies and soils are influenced by the four different seasons that alternate slowly, although climate change sometimes surprised. And if the landscape is one of the most admired features of visitors to Italy, why not combine the beauty of nature with the beauty of the jewel? With this point of view, Carlo Palmiero, one of the great Italian jewelers who came to terms with the world from Valenza, has designed a collection.
Time ago, Palmiero has developed a dedicated collection to the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. It is a collection composed of few pieces: two pairs of earrings for each period of the year, plus a jewel-watch (but mark the hours, not the seasons). Presented recently on the Asian market, it is no coincidence that the collection is inspired to Japanese haiku compositions, a kind of poetry that is completed in a few words, but dense with emotions. The earrings are made of gold, diamonds and colored sapphires, in 9cm squares, even with pendants. The pavé of stones paints small areas, as in a mosaic. A tree on a flowery meadow, ice and snow, the falling red leaves: the same landscape changes with the passing of time. Small works of goldsmith virtuosity offer, in this case, also almost a philosophical reflection. Alessia Mongrando

The Renaissance of Alessandro Dari” (Modifica)”>