Oroarezzo is back from 10 to 13 May. The 44th edition of the show organized by Italian Exhibition Group at Arezzo Fiere e Congressi is dedicated to the industrial production companies of the Tuscan district. For this year’s edition, some new features are coming: Ieg is renewing the product offering and the exhibition layout by selecting the top foreign buyers for the reference markets of Made in Italy exports hosted thanks to the support of Agenzia Ice and by strengthening the technology exhibition part and the conference part for international operators. Translated: more space for machinery and equipment, fewer buyers from abroad (as a predictable consequence of the selection). Première has been confirmed, the competition that enhances creativity in jewelry design inspired by a theme, not yet known, indicated by the art director of Oroarezzo Beppe Angiolini.
Last year, Oroarezzo closed with a 6.5% increase in visitors over 2023, 8.7% more than in 2019, and an increase in the share of foreign visitors from 109 countries (+9%). Again with reference to 2024, among the 360 exhibitors at the event, the component of exhibitors from outside the country grew by 12%. According to the latest economic data processed in January by Confindustria Federorafi for a research on the gold-jewelry sector conducted by Mediobanca on a national scale, Arezzo confirmed itself as the champion of exports among the Italian districts of the sector with a growth of 119%, for a value of 5.3 billion euros, an effect partly caused by the purchases of gold objects from the Turkish market.
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