Collezione Signature
Collezione Signature

New Pandora Signature products

Autumn news for Pandora’s Signature collection. The design of the collection is characterized by pavé and geometric lines with the Pandora logo always highlighted. They are jewels designed to be worn every day alone or combined with each other. All jewels are made of 925 sterling silver, while some selected models, such as the Pandora I-D Bangle, have a two-tone finish with 14k rose gold plating and pavé, while the stones used are cubic zirconia.

Collana Signature
Signature necklace

With such distinctive design codes, the Pandora Signature collection embodies an essence of modernity and originality.
A. Filippo Ficarelli

All jewels in the Signature collection are hand-finished by skilled craftsmen. The Rigido Signature Bicolore bracelet (150 euros) for example, uses silver and a 14-carat rose gold-plated metal alloy. The profile of the band changes from squared to rounded in the center. The square half features seven rectangular stones spaced along the outer surface. The location corresponds to the engraved letters of the Pandora logo along the side of the square profile. The snap and zipper closure makes it easier to put on and take off the bracelet.

Orecchini Signature
Earrings Signature

We are extending our style universe to more classic jewelry, in a simplistic yet elevated way.
Francesco Terzo, SVP Creative Directors

Anello Signature
Ring Signature
Bracciale dorato
Golden bracelet
Bracciale rigido con placcatura oro rosa 14 carati
Bangle with 14k rose gold plating
Bracciale SIgnature in argento
Signature bracelet in silver
Orecchiniu con placcatura oro e cubic zirconia
Earrings with gold plating and cubic zirconia

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