Lavorazione di gioielli alla scuola del Centro Orafo
Lavorazione di gioielli alla scuola del Centro Orafo il Tarì

Jewelry, 4 days of the Open fair! with Il Tarì

Once the fear of the covid has passed, normalcy returns slowly even in the exhibition sector: from 2 to 5 October, the appointments with the goldsmith world of Il Tarì start again. The jewelry distribution and production center that groups 480 companies and located in Marcianise (Caserta, Italy), for example, has announced Open! appointment for the B2B market. Given that the security measures will be respected, Open! is aimed at retailers and operators in the sector.

Il centro orafo Il Tarì
Il centro orafo Il Tarì

Since VicenzaOro has been canceled, the appointment can be more interesting for jewelry operators. In anticipation of Open! Tarì has remodeled the outdoor spaces and all the work environments to facilitate movement and simplify contacts in compliance with the prevention rules. In any case, the Center has been operating at full capacity since the first days of May.

Vincenzo Giannotti
Vincenzo Giannotti

We are ready to welcome operators and retailers from all over Italy in full safety and with the hospitality that has always distinguished Il Tarì. The name of the event itself is synonymous with organization, planning, experience, but also normality. Important words through which we want to convey the Centre’s commitment and willingness to offer an innovative service to generate business opportunities to support the recovery of the sector.
Vincenzo Giannotti, president of Il Tarì

Centro Orafo Tarì
Centro Orafo Tarì

To facilitate companies in their choice of investment for the presence at Open!, Early bird rates have been provided (essentially discounts for first arrivals) which allow to significantly reduce participation costs, while for retailers they have been created new promotional formulas that concretely reward purchases.

Lavorazione di gioielli alla scuola del Centro Orafo
Lavorazione di gioielli alla scuola del Centro Orafo il Tarì

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