Silvia Damiani e Guido Grassi Damiani all'inaugurazione della mostra Damiani 90 Years of Excellence and Passion

Florence celebrates 90 years of Damiani

The next 90 years of Damiani have begun. The exhibition Damiani 90 Years of Excellence and Passion was inaugurated at the Galleria di Arte Moderna of the Palazzo Pitti Museum in Florence, to celebrate the history and jewels of the Piedmontese brand. The presentation was attended by both the president of the group, Guido Grassi Damiani, and the vice president, his sister Silvia. The exhibition will remain open until September 7 and is organized in the Sala del Fiorino of Palazzo Pitti. Under the display cases are displayed the 18 works awarded with the Diamonds International Award, basically the Oscar of Jewelry. A record: Damiani is the only jeweler in the world to have received all these awards. Obviously the exhibition is an opportunity to admire the most representative jewels of the 90 years of the company.

Tra Silvia e Guido Damiani la sopraintendente del Polo museale fiorentino, Cristina Acidini
Tra Silvia e Guido Damiani la sopraintendente del Polo museale fiorentino, Cristina Acidini

Il fondatore, Enrico Grassi Damiani
Il fondatore, Enrico Grassi Damiani
Palazzo Pitti, a Firenze
Palazzo Pitti, a Firenze
Damiani 90 Years of Excellence and Passion

Piazza de Pitti, 1, Firenze
055 294883

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