In Valenza the business of jewelry

In Valenza, jewelry will be on stage from October 26 to 28. And it will not only be an event for Italian operators: 37 foreign buyers will also participate. Valenza Gioielli 2013 was desired by the Associazione Orafa Valenzana, and represents an event that this year is divided into the two areas of Istinto Prezioso and Prestige. The foreign guests, mainly retailers, distributors and importers, come from 27 countries, including Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, Russia, Spain, Belgium and France, as well as Japan and Malaysia. During the three days they will be able to meet the companies registered for the Project exhibiting at Valenza Istinto Prezioso, in the historic Villa Scalcabarozzi. There are also b2b meetings with other Piemonte Gold Excellences companies scheduled for Sunday 27th. A delegation of some operators will take part in company visits organized in Turin for Monday 28th. Valenza Gioielli/Istinto Prezioso is the new format of the trade fair event, which will take place at Villa Scalcabarozzi. Here the district’s companies will meet retailers in anticipation of the Christmas season and for the development of commercial collaborations oriented towards the following months.

Valenza Gioielli/Prestige will take place at the same time at the Expo Piemonte center, with free admission for the public. Representative brands in various product areas will participate, including antiques, footwear, exclusive cars, art, niche artisanal expressions, food and wine, design. There will be no shortage of goldsmith retailers from the district. There will also be an image exhibition of contemporary jewelry organized by the Associazione Orafa Valenzana.

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