In Italy the coronavirus also bites the jewelry sector. Many jewelers who have decided to close. Federpreziosi, the National Federation of Goldsmiths, Jewelers, Silversmiths and Watchmakers of Confcommercio, therefore calls for measures to deal with the situation. The first concerns the suspension of Irpef (tax), Inps (welfare) and Inail (accident insurance) payments. The measure is also the result of an online questionnaire proposed by Federpreziosi last Friday 7 March to 500 operators in the sector (83% retail companies, 8.5% manufacturing companies, 8.5% wholesalers).
In fact, among those identified in contrast to the economic damage of coronavirus, this is the first measure deemed indispensable by about 71% of the sample of Italian goldsmith operators who participated in the survey. The following are considered fundamental (59.9%) for the allocation of extraordinary contributions for business support, the extension of the payment of local taxes for all territories and all categories (58.2%), concessions for to favor corporate liquidity and a moratorium for the next installments on loans and leases (53.7%).
52.5% believe that the declaration of a state of disaster for the whole country and for all sectors and the consequent extension of the measures to support the red zones to the whole territory is almost inevitable. At the same time, a strong push to trade and to the image of Italy in the world is deemed necessary, with initiatives for the national and international promotion of Made in Italy (44.7%). Other measures considered more than opportune are: the establishment of an integration fund and a derogation fund also for micro and small enterprises in the service sector (36.4%) and the abolition of the limits introduced by the Financial Law of 30 December 2019 for the access and / or permanence in the flat-rate tax regime and restore previous requirements (25.3%).