Spilla Walska Briolette Diamant, del 1971
Spilla Walska Briolette Diamant, del 1971

In Moscow 280 brooches by Van Cleef & Arpels

Over 280 brooches by Van Cleef and Arpels in a major exhibition. Unfortunately (for those who do not live there) the exhibition is organized in Moscow. The private collection, created between 1910 and 1970, will be on display in the two boutiques of the Maison until 30 September 2015. It also includes jewelry that are known for their beauty. But if you do not go to the capital of Russia, here’s a bit ‘of images with which you can referrer eyes: between the jewels is a brooch that belonged to Maria Callas. But really the jewels with a fascinating history behind it are several. Here for you a selection of pieces of the exhibition in Moscow. Federico Graglia

Spilla Deux Feuilles , del 1954
Spilla Deux Feuilles , del 1954
Spilla di Van Cleef & Arpels appartenuta a Maria Callas
Spilla di Van Cleef & Arpels appartenuta a Maria Callas
Spilla chiamata Fiore di platano, del 1951
Spilla chiamata Fiore di platano, del 1951
Fiocco, spilla del 1945 di Van Cleef & Arpels
Fiocco, spilla del 1945 di Van Cleef & Arpels
La Ballerina, del 1943
La Ballerina, del 1943
Spilla del 1924 in stile egizio di Van Cleef & Arpels
Spilla del 1924 in stile egizio di Van Cleef & Arpels

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