Do not you know how much is right to spend on an engagement ring? Read here ♦
How much do you have to spend on an engagement ring? It is an expense that repays over time, because the value of the ring rises? Or is it better to invest the same sum in something that has an immediate utility, such as a piece of furniture or one or two loan installments? It depends. There is no single answer to all these questions. But one can reason to arrive at an intelligent conclusion.
1 Better not to go beyond one or two months of salary, but …
An old rule indicated a challenging but not impossible value in two months’ salary. Of course, everything is in proportion to income. If a manager earns 4 thousand euros or dollars a month, a ring of 8-10 thousand euros or dollars is a possible choice. But, of course, those who earn € 1,500 a month will also struggle to reach a € 3,000 ring. Thus, the proportion of two months of salary must be maintained only if it is not to be considered an impossible effort, which weakens one’s finances. The same reasoning applies to those who receive the ring: it is better to let people know before that they do not like spending such as to force the future spouse to fall into poverty.

2 Does it make sense to ask for a loan to buy the engagement ring?
Yes, it is a possible path, provided that the loan is not paid on terms of usury. In short, everything depends on who gives you the loan and under what conditions. Some credit cards allow payment by installments, but first it is better to inquire about the actual cost (Taeg), ie of interest plus any expenses.
Read also: How to choose the ring

3 Is it necessary to choose the classical form of solitaire?
We are no longer in the twentieth century, the old rules do not even apply to jewelry. Of course, if the engagement takes place officially and in a very formal environment, then the classic form of gold or brighter platinum is advisable. But if you do not go to high society, you can easily opt for a different design, as long as it is very simple and includes a precious stone, better a diamond. Some jewelers offer rings composed of three or four small diamonds set together, which give the impression of a single stone (you can find some even in the pages of They are a valid alternative.

4 Yellow gold or white gold?
For almost half a century, the engagement ring has almost always been offered in white gold or platinum (a little more expensive). Careful, in any case, to the quality of gold, which must be certified. In fact, white gold is nothing but yellow gold plus other metals, like silver, nickel or manganese. The light color reminds, in fact, the imminent marriage and the commitment of the future bride, once considered as a rule unlipped at the wedding.
See also: Guide: how to choose a ring.

5 How much does an engagement ring have to cost?
Given that the expense, as written above, must be proportionate to their income, there are 14 carat rings with a half carat diamond from 600 to 900 euros, with a little ‘luck even less. The weight (expressed in carats) of the diamond makes the difference. If you want to spend little, stay under 1 carat, and even half is fine. Of course, it will not be a solitaire to be shown at the Teatro alla Scala gala evening, but it will still be his figure.

6 So much yield, little expense.
A good idea is to choose rings without a single diamond, but with many small brilliants set, perhaps on the entire perimeter or almost the ring. This is no longer a solitaire, obviously, but as the size of diamonds makes the difference in terms of price, many diamonds cost less than one.

7 Are there any alternatives to diamonds?
If you do not need a super classic model, you can opt for another stone. For example, a sapphire. Or choose a zircon or a synthetic sapphire. Ok, they’re not the same thing, but if you’re not an expert you will not notice the difference. The difference, however, lies in the price: synthetic gems cost much less. However, beware: if you want to sell the ring it will be valued in proportion.

onice, diamanti

Salve, una domanda; ma i prezzi suggeriti dove li avete trovati? In un uovo di pasqua? O non sapete il valore di un diamante da mezzo carato ( che si può eccome sfoggiare alla Prima del Teatro alla Scala ) o vi siete persi uno zero per strada, perché è IMPOSSIBILE che un anello d’oro con un diamante da mezzo carato costi 600 euro ! A meno che non sia un colore Z purezza P3 che non sarebbe neppure uttilizzabile in gioielleria. Persino in Polonia nella più economica catena di gioiellerie un anello in oro 14 carati con diamante 0, 40 carati costa 2000euro, e ssarà colore H e purezza, se va bene, Si 1
Caro Rafael, siamo perfettamente d’accordo. I valori espressi, è bene precisarlo, sono relativi solo a particolari tipologie di pietra e gioiello e non possono essere generalizzati. Ma quelli citati nell’articolo sono tutti veri: si riferiscono a prezzi reali praticati sul mercato. Le uova di Pasqua piacciono anche a noi, anche senza di gioielli all’interno. Accogliamo comunque la tua critica.
Inoltre per un anello sempre di 14 carati, con un diamante da un carato , si superano i dieci mila euro qui.
In this post you absolutely right because you have some great tips to find a best engagement ring. This post is really useful for all. It’s such a great blog for all and me. Thanks for sharing this best information to us.
Thank you for your compliments! Ciao, have good day 🙂
Thank You for sharing photos of these nice rings. I appreciate your knowledge and thoughts on gemstone and ring prices. While buying an engagement ring, I recommend this post to others because this post will be very helpful for them.
thank you!
Nice collection of engagement rings. I’ve been reading a lot of tips and buying guides on engagement rings, but I feel like the more I read, the more confused I become. Thankfully, I got to read your blog and I found the answers I’ve been looking for. Thanks!