Il diamante disegnato per Coronet
Il diamante disegnato per Coronet

Diamonds on the wall

Coronet, brand specializes in diamond jewelry, entrusts its image to the Canadian designer Reena Ahluwalia.
In Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair, the company specialized in diamond, Aaron Shumand and his brand Coronet, announced the collaboration with the award-winning Canadian designer of jewelry and diamonds, but also a painter, Reena Ahluwalia. The designer painted a picture for Coronet.
Reena Ahluwalia is a designer who lives in Toronto, Canada. She is one of the greater jewelery artists: she design collections for major brands and, at the same time, creates large paintings with diamonds and precious stones. For his work he received a long list of awards and accolades, including the coveted De Beers Diamonds-International Award and the Diamonds Rio Tinto design award. Born in India, she absorbed the passion of the Indians for jewelry, but at the same time, she embraced a Western-type style. Reena has put her signature to the ornamental design as those who entrusted Rio Tinto to inaugurate the Bunder diamond mine, in Madhya Pradesh, India. Or for a tiara by Asscher, a tribute to the Royal Wedding of Kate Middleton. At this work we add the creation of hyper-realistic paintings of cut stones, not only diamonds, that look like mandalas, ritual representations for meditation. In a nutshell, if you do not have a big diamond you can always draw it. Giulia Netrese

Orecchini con diamanti disegnati per Rio Tinto
Orecchini con diamanti disegnati per Rio Tinto
Il disegno della tiara progettata per Asscher (dal sito di Reena Ahluwalia)
Il disegno della tiara progettata per Asscher (dal sito di Reena Ahluwalia)
La tiara progettata per Asscher (dal sito di Reena Ahluwalia)
La tiara progettata per Asscher (dal sito di Reena Ahluwalia)
Reena Ahluwalia
Reena Ahluwalia
Disegno per la collana Imperial commissionata da Venere Jewel (dal sito di Reena Ahluwalia)
Disegno per la collana Imperial commissionata da Venere Jewel (dal sito di Reena Ahluwalia)
Collana di diamanti Imperial
Collana di diamanti Imperial
Il diamante disegnato per Coronet
Il diamante disegnato per Coronet
Quadro "Il portale dell'eternità", di Reena Ahluwalia
Quadro “Il portale dell’eternità”, di Reena Ahluwalia

High jewelery flies with Charisma Gems” (Modifica)”>

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