Campus - Page 3

Clean the jewels with ketchup, beer and vodka

Tomato ketchup, vodka or beer to clean your jewelry. Yes, you can. If you do not have anything better at hand … ♦

At the table with jewels. To clean them. According to somebody, there are many ways to make brighter necklaces, rings and earrings: just use some products that are usually used in the kitchen. For example, ketchup, beer and vodka. Attention: we are not advising to follow these indications, especially for your most precious jewels. But, who knows, maybe it works …

Tomato sauce

For example, a bowl of ketchup can clean a ring dipped in red sauce after 5 or 10 minutes. Don’t leaving the jewel in contact with the sauce for too long: could cause damage. Clean everything with a toothbrush and rinse. Another useful food is beer: just pour a little on a clean cloth and rub gently to revive the gold. Better not to try, however, on light plating, and do not use dark beer.

Pulire i gioielli con l'acqua minerale
Pulire i gioielli con l’acqua minerale

Alcohol also likes diamonds: a small glass of vodka can restore brightness to the stones, but also to zirconia and crystal. Just pour the vodka on a soft cloth and carefully clean the jewels, or immerse the jewel in a glass full of the Russian liquor par excellence. Those who are teetotalers are consoled: sparkling water is excellent for resurrecting the splendor of the gems. Immerse a jewel with stones embedded in a glass with sparkling mineral water. Let it rest overnight: in the morning everything will be more shiny.
And after lunch? Brushing your teeth is a good hygiene rule. While you are there, however, you can use toothbrush and toothpaste on metal jewels or stones like diamonds or rubies. Then, rinse (before returning to the table).

Spazzolino e dentifricio sono utili anche per pulire i gioielli
Toothbrush and toothpaste are also useful for cleaning jewelry

How to measure a ring to give as a gift

Do you want to know how to measure a ring? Here is a quick way to know the size of your ring or what you want to give as a gift. It can also be used if you want to buy a ring abroad, perhaps on the internet.

Anello con chiropraso e diamanti. Prezzo: 1300 euro
Anello con chiropraso e diamanti

In short, how to measure a ring? How to calculate the size of an engagement ring? Knowing the exact size can be useful, for example, even if you want to give a ring for an anniversary. So, if you learn about the size of a ring you can choose one even without going to a jewelry store, for example if you want to buy one online. In all these cases the question is the same: will the size of the ring be right? Is there a risk of buying a ring of the wrong size?

Sure, don’t worry. Even if the size is not quite right, the rings can be tightened or widened later. But the result is not always satisfactory and, in any case, it is an additional cost.

Also read How to tighten or widen a ring

Giovanni Ferraris, anelli Vanity
Giovanni Ferraris, anelli Vanity

There is another case where knowing the right ring size is useful: when you are abroad you may find that not all countries use the same measure to indicate the circumference of your finger. That is why we can serve the table that we publish on this page and showing the different measures used around the world.

Anello chevalier indossato
Anello chevalier indossato

First, though, you need to accomplish a simple task. Take a ring of the right size and use a wire to measure very accurately the circumference of the ring. The best thing, for safety reasons, is to repeat the same operation circling your finger on which you want to wear the ring with the same thin rope: the two measures should match. You can also measure the diameter of a ring, but is less straightforward to obtain a precise dimension.

Read also: How to find the ring size

Utilizzate un filo per misurare la circonferenza del dito. Ma non lasciate il filo troppo largo né stretto
Utilizzate un filo per misurare la circonferenza del dito. Ma non lasciate il filo troppo largo né stretto

At this point you have got the measure of the ring inner circumference. Now you can compare the size of the inner circumference of your ring with measures that appear in the table. For example, if you live in Italy, Switzerland or the Netherlands (or other Western European countries) and have a circumference of 42.9 mm, the size of your ring is the number 3. But if you were in New York the measure would be 2 and a half and in London the measure would be E. For people using inches is also reported this type of measure. Now you know how to do to know the extent of the right ring for you.

Here is the table that summarizes the sizes of the rings

Circonferenza internaTaglie dell'anello
(inch)(Mm)Usa, Canada, MessicoGb, Irlanda, Australia, Nuova ZelandaCina, Giappone, Sud AmericaIndiaEuropa continentale
1.5639.71 ¼
1.97505 ¼K1010
2.3760.29 ¼S2020.25
2.6266.611 ¾X26.5
Anello al pollice
Anello al pollice
Anello con rubino
Anello con rubino
Anello in oro e diamanti
Anello in oro e diamanti

What to do if the ring bends

What to do if a ring is warped? There are easy remedies, but not always. Here are the solutions.

It can happen after lifting a suitcase or a bag of heavy spending. Or when you suddenly grabs a solid element, maybe a handle in a car or bus during a curve. The result is often the same: the worn ring is deformed, sometimes with an oval shape, in other cases with a well visible fold. What to do in these cases?

Anello deformato
Deformed ring

What to do with a warped ring
It depends. Before working on a folded ring, it’s better to observe how it is constructed. The easier to straighten are those simple rings, made with a band, like wedding rings. If they are composed only of metal, it is possible to get them back to their original shape in two ways. The first way is to lay the ring on a rigid surface, for example, stone or metal, cover the ring with a cloth, put over a book and over a weigh. It may take a bit of time before the metal comes back stright. This system works if the ring has lost its uniform thickness and has no stones.

Porre sopra l'anello da raddrizzare un panno, un libro e un peso
Place a cloth, a book and a weight over the ring to be straightened

What to do if the ring has become oval
More complicated to return perfectly round a ring that has become oval or has an irregularity due, for example, for a blow. And even more risky it is to intervene if the ring has a stone: ti’s possible loosen the jaws that hold it firm. But the worst case is that of a ring with pavé: move the metal can damage the surface with small stones embedded or glued. If, instead, the ring is a simple metal band, the best thing is to use a mandrel, that is a mechanical device which allows to tighten and hold any piece of circular shape, and act with a small hammer from jeweler.

Rettifica di un anello
Rectification of a ring

If the metal is soft, for example a gold ring 18 or 24 carat (white gold and platinum are much more resistant), a simple metal cone or of very hard material can be used to bring back the perfectly circular ring : just slip it from above, perhaps after having warmed it in water, and try to push it down.
But the surest way to right a ring is this: bring it to a jeweler, he will know what is best to do.

Anello deformato
Deformed ring
Spingere l'anello tiepido su un cono metallico per rimetterlo in forma
Push the warm ring onto a metal cone to bring it back into shape
Un misuratore di larghezza per gli anelli
A width gauge for the rings

How to create a jewelry brand

How to create a jewelry brand? Is it possible to turn the passion for jewelery into a profession? How to become a jeweler? Let’s start from a consideration: you already know how to create jewellery, you have tried, you know the techniques and difficulties to overcome to make earrings, rings and necklaces. But you don’t know how to transform your practical skill, probably artisanal, into a commercial enterprise. What you need is to identify a brand that can be successful on the market. First of all, therefore, examine your conscience: are you able to produce a sufficient number of jewels to satisfy the requests of your future customers? If the answer is yes, then you really need to define your brand.

Come creare un marchio di gioielli?
How to create a jewelry brand?

Define your brand
The first step in creating a jewelry brand is defining the brand’s identity. How you do it? Start asking yourself some questions:
• What is your brand’s purpose?
• What are its core values?
• Who is the target audience?
• What makes your brand unique?

These questions will help you establish your brand identity and guide decisions throughout the branding process.

Fatevi delle domande
Ask yourself questions

Create a business plan
The second step is to create a business plan that outlines the brand’s goals and objectives. For example, you need to think about a marketing strategy to communicate the quality of your jewelry. Furthermore, identify a pricing strategy by comparing them with possible competitors. Finally, plan a jewelery production plan and the resulting expenses and revenues you can obtain. But, first of all: do you have a sufficient budget to leave?
Definire lo stile dei gioielli
Define the style of the jewelry

The jewels
When you have clear ideas and have answered considering the aspects we have described previously, ask yourself another question: are the jewels you have designed so far really the right ones for the type of brand you have chosen? It may be that by considering everything you can come to the conclusion that your jewelry is perfect. Or maybe you need to better adapt your design to the type of brand and audience you choose. So, design your first jewelry collection based on your brand identity and target audience. Create sketches and prototypes and try to get honest opinions.
Creazione di un gioiello
Creation of a jewel

The quality of the jewels
You have some brilliant ideas, you have created some jewels in your laboratory. But to move on to producing lots of jewels you must also have an idea of how to maintain a constant quality of your products. Artisanal production often has ups and downs. But this is bad for the brand: every piece that isn’t perfect will be bad advertising for your products. Create a production schedule and establish quality control standards. This also applies to those who decide to outsource production by entrusting the invoice of the jewelery to external companies, a method often used by small jewelery brands.
Creazione di un anello
Creation of a ring

Online presence
It goes without saying that your brand must be present with its own website on the web and on the main social networks. A poorly maintained, not updated website, or a social network with old posts and poor photos will give bad publicity to your jewels. Even establishing contact with specialized sites, such as, offers visibility and prestige to your brand. A marketing activity cannot ignore an online presence. Be careful, however, of the influencer phenomenon. There are influencers who boast thousands of followers, who are in reality “not very real”, i.e. they are simple virtual bots. And the actual impact of their social media posts is controversial.
Realizzazione di una collana
Making a necklace

The sale of jewels
Finally the time has come to sell the jewels. The choice of mode is not a secondary aspect. You can sell directly in your laboratory, if your licenses allow it, or/even online, in temporary shops (perhaps before Christmas), or through other jewelery shops. This is also an aspect that must be considered previously.
Studenti nel laboratorio di oreficeria Design del gioiello contemporaneo, a Venezia
Students in the goldsmith’s workshop Design of contemporary jewellery, in Venice

The growth of the brand
Once on the market, evaluate your sales, and if you sell online, take a good look at the data before deciding how to expand your product line, refine your marketing strategy and establish customer interaction. Listen to the feedback of those who purchased your first jewels and analyze what changes to make in case of criticism.
Regardless, creating a jewelry brand takes time, effort, and careful planning. But if you have some good ideas you can create a thriving and successful jewelry brand.
Lavorazione dei gioielli
Jewelry making

Why the wedding ring is worn on the ring finger?

Why is the wedding ring worn on the ring finger? And why do some wear faith on their left hand, while others on the right? Here are the answers ♦ ︎

Why is the wedding ring worn on the ring finger? And why on the left hand? The choice of the finger on which to wear the ring is not accidental. But this also applies to the other fingers. Read this article if you want to know why the wedding ring is worn on the finger between the little finger and the middle finger.

Read also: On which finger to wear the ring

Anello nuziale sulla mano sinistra
Wedding ring on left hand

Why are you wearing a wedding ring? Simple: the wedding ring tells other people the status of a married person. It’s like saying: I have already found a soul mate, don’t try it with me, thank you. Or at least it almost always is.

Not in all countries the wedding ring is worn on the left hand: there is also who wears it on the right, but the meaning is always the same. In some European countries, for example, those of the Greek Orthodox rite, the ring is worn on the left hand before marriage, but is then transferred to the right during the ceremony. The same concept is valid for the engagement ring, which is a more recent habit. Also, in this case, the engagement ring is worn on the same finger on which the wedding ring is inserted. Once married, a woman is allowed to wear both rings at the same time in many cultures.

Anello sulla mano destra
Ring on right hand

By the way: even the wedding ring for men is a rather recent habit: in the past it was only the woman who had to wear the faith. In Britain, for example, only women tended to wear a wedding ring until the first and second world wars, when married male soldiers began wearing rings to remind them of the partner.

Anello dell'antica Roma
Ring for the bride of ancient Rome

But why is the wedding ring worn on the ring finger? There are several theories about it. According to some, in ancient times the ring finger was special, a bit magical. In Chinese, is a finger without a name. Even in Sanskrit (ancient Indian language) and in other languages ​​such as Finnish or Russian the ring finger is referred to as “unnamed”. The magical properties derive from the fact that in the past it was believed that there was a vein that directly connected the fourth finger of the left hand with the heart. It was called vena amoris, the vein of love.

It is not so, but this conviction has determined the finger on which to wear the ring: the one in which it was thought there was the vein that leads directly to the heart. The ring on the fourth finger of the left hand symbolically closed the access of others to the heart. This tradition dates back to the ceremonies of the ancient Romans, who called this habit anulus pronubis: man gave a ring to the woman during the engagement rite. With the Christian religion, the wedding ring was worn and blessed in medieval times. The ritual involved wearing the ring on the thumb, index, middle and ring finger of the left hand, where it remained.

Countries where the marriage ring is worn on the left hand

Australia, Botswana, Canada, Egypt, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Kingdom, Mexico, Bolivia, Chile, Central and Eastern Europe, United States, France, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Switzerland, Croatia, Slovenia and Romania, Catalonia and the Valencia area (while in Spain it is usually worn on the right).

Anello di fidanzamento indossato assieme alla fede matrimoniale
Engagement ring worn together with the wedding ring

Countries where the marriage ring is worn on the right hand
Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Poland, the Netherlands (for those who are not Catholic), Norway and Spain (except in Catalonia and Valencia) , Colombia, Cuba, Peru, Venezuela.

Countries where the ring is worn on the right hand until the wedding day, when it is moved to the left
Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Romania, Brazil

Matrimonio in India
Wedding in India

Other habits
In Sri Lanka the groom wears the wedding ring on his right hand while the bride wears it on her left hand, still on her ring finger. The wedding ring was not the habit of Muslim religious marriage and wedding rings are not provided in most Islamic countries, where, however, the ring is used to indicate engagement. Muslim engagement rings are generally worn on the right finger by men and the left finger by women. But even in this case there are exceptions: the wedding ring can be worn on the left hand in Iran, or on the right hand in Jordan.

In Jewish marriages the wedding ring is worn on the forefinger of the bride’s right hand, but in other cases on the middle finger or thumb or ring finger of the left hand after the ceremony. It also depends on the type of marriage: some Jewish spouses have adopted Western habits also for the ring, while Orthodox men do not wear wedding rings.

The rings are not traditional even in a Hindu wedding, but it is customary to wear them for the engagement. Men generally wear rings on the right hand and women on the left hand.

Matrimonio in Sri-Lanka: l'uomo con l'anello sulla mano destra, la donna sulla sinistra
Wedding in Sri-Lanka: the man with the ring on the right hand, the woman on the left
Fede nuziale e solitario
Wedding ring and solitaire
In Brasile l'anello è indossato sulla mano destra fino al giorno delle nozze, quando viene spostato alla mano sinistra.
In Brazil the ring is worn on the right hand until the wedding day, when it is moved to the left hand

How to choose a jewel with 9 step

Do not you know which jewel to choose?

If you are unsure about which ring, necklace, earring or bracelet choose, read these nine tips: they will help you choose the right jewel for your occasion.

Tell the truth: How many times in the morning do you put on the usual necklace that “is so good about everything”? Or always the same ring? Not to mention earrings: they should co-ordinate with the shape of the face as well as with the clothing. Jewelery is very different from each other and before you wear or buy one (or donate it) it is good to have the ideas clear. Here are 9 steps to decide how and what to choose. Take note!

Diana Zhang, Un anno in Cina: Winter, indossato
Diana Zhang, A Year in China: Winter, worn

1 Determine what you want to get from the jewel. Do you want it in the center of the scene? Do you point to receiving compliments? Or should it be an almost invisible accessory that accompanies the look, but without focusing attention? In the first case, for example, an oversized necklace must be seen. Or very large earrings: circle or pendants. But beware: both the necklace and the earrings can enhance, but they also risk exposing an aspect of your body.

Inverted Necklace, indossato
Inverted Necklace, worn

2 Every jewel is a message to others. So every jewel has its right time to be worn. For example, an oversized choker can be fun for an evening in town with friends or partners, but it does not look good for the office or a business appointment unless your office is particularly tolerant or populated by creative people who love break the rules. In general, on work places are more appreciated by the little-looking, traditional jewelery, the better if it is the bridal ring or engagement.

Collana in platino e diamanti di Van Cleef & Arpels, circa 1939. È composta da oltre 600 diamanti rotondi e baguette: apparteneva alla madre di Faouk, regina Nazli
Platinum and diamond necklace by Van Cleef & Arpels, circa 1939. Consists of over 600 round and baguette diamonds: belonged to Faouk’s mother, Queen Nazli

3 If you need to buy a jewel, think about how long it should last. The robustness and quality of the workmanship and material is not always the same and can determine the number of times you wear it. A bijoux that costs a few tens of euros will hardly keep shine and will be deformed by use, unless you keep it closed in a drawer. But, at the same time, a very precious gem should not be worn continually, because stones and metal wear out or scratch.

Recarlo, anello della collezione Blue Carpet indossato
Recarlo, ring from the Blue Carpet collection worn

4 How much do you want to spend? It’s not a trivial question: often those who go into a jewelry store have no idea how much money is needed or how much they are willing to pay off. Result: The buyer comes out of the store with something different from what he had imagined. Before get on a jewel, take a look around the internet and get an idea. Maybe browsing pages of

Gioielleria di Ponte Vecchio, a Firenze
Jewelery shop on Ponte Vecchio, in Florence

5 Before buying it, it would be good to try jewels. It is difficult for a jeweler, unless it is crazy, to rent you necklaces and earrings. But at least in the shop do not be in a hurry and ask to wear what you like. Look closely at the mirror, calmly, and imagine wearing other suits than those you have at that time.

Vetrina di una gioielleria
Window of a jewelry store

6 Handmade jewelery or series products, such as those of major brands? There are pros and cons. Craft jewelry to be of great quality requires more working hours and, therefore, are more expensive for the same materials used. On the other hand, they may be more original. On the other hand, if it is not a big jewelery maison, there is a risk of discovering some imperfection after you’ve bought them. Jewelery produced in series, on the contrary, have a lower price and a homogeneous standard: no surprises. They are also simpler to resell. But, of course, much less original.

Lavorazione di gioielleria
Jewelery manufacturing

7 Which metal is better for you? Before purchasing, try the effect on silver and gold skin in its various colors. Also ask what metal alloy is silver or gold combined: they can cause allergies to those who have sensitive skin. Unfortunately, pure gold jewelry, 24-carat, are very rare, as well as very fragile.

Il bracciale-anello Soffio Gitano
The Soffio Gitano bracelet-ring by Nanis

8 Choose a homogeneous style for your jewelry: think that after buying it, the new jewel will have to live with those you already have in the drawer. Better to find a design that can accompany you with other pieces of your collection.

Anello di Sicis indossato
Sicis ring worn

9 Do not try to save money: a jewel is also an investment that will keep or re-evaluate over time. But only if it is of quality: weight, value of used stones and machining should be carefully evaluated. Although the most important aspect is another: it should please those who wear it …

Modella con collana composta da 374 diamanti bianchi e gialli
Graff, model with a necklace made up of 374 white and yellow diamonds

Jewelry and gold: real or fake? Questions and answers

True or false? Can gold be recognized with a bite? Is real jade cold? Is cubic zirconia, often confused with zircon, indistinguishable from diamond? Does silver cause allergies? Is 925 the number of perfect silver? Do the reflections of a stone have to be rainbow? These are among the many questions we often receive and their answers.

To check that your jewel of gold genuine need to bite him.

FALSE Pure gold is a very soft metal and, in fact, teeth can easily leave a mark if it is very pure, 24 carats. But biting it is neither a guarantee nor a recommendable test. Furthermore, it can damage your teeth. Not to mention that lead is even softer than gold: a jewel that uses gold-plated lead could easily be mistaken. Furthermore, 18 karat gold is usually used for jewelry, or even less: 14 and even 9 karat. It is gold alloyed with other metals: this makes the gold less malleable and also less expensive. In short, in reality, in addition to gold, we also end up biting other metals such as silver, copper, palladium, nickel.

Biting gold is not a guarantee
Biting gold is not a guarantee

True or false? To find out if a stone is genuine need to look at it in the light.

TRUE Note: the only truly reliable way to identify a gemstone is the opinion of a gemologist or a jeweler, or laboratory tests. That said, here’s a helpful hint to decide whether it is worthwhile to consider the stone of a ring or a necklace. Place the stone against the sunlight and look at the range of colors it produces. The authentic gemstones usually show a rainbow that will be reflected on a nearby surface. Most of the real gems will produce a full range of colors: the stone closer to the eye and tilt it, you should see a rainbow. The stones that produce nothing are often false. We repeat: it is not a final proof: for some stones, especially those very dense, deep coloring or that were not completely polished, the system may not work. But it is a little test should not be overlooked.

Esame di un diamante a un precedente Dubai Jewellery Show
Examination of a diamond jewel

A cubic zirconia is virtually the same as a diamond, only it costs less.

FALSE What is commonly called a zircon is actually a cubic zirconia: an artificial stone that resembles a diamond. It’s brilliant, but much, much cheaper. In fact, it is just very difficult to distinguish it from a real diamond if you are not an expert. It is a cubic crystalline form of zirconium dioxide. It is a very hard synthetic material, optically perfect and usually colorless, although it can be made in a variety of different colors. It should not be confused with natural zircon, a stone composed of zirconium silicate, often blue in color. Cubic zirconia is sometimes mistakenly called “cubic zirconium”. Commercial production began in 1976. Its main competitor as a laboratory-created gem is synthetic moissanite.

Cubic zirconia
Cubic zirconia

The silver cause allergies and skin turns green.

FALSE The color is not caused by an allergy is a reaction to the metals used in jewelry and it is often fused with silver, especially when the skin sweats. In short, it indicates that silver is not pure. It is the copper and silver often result in a green halo on the skin. Sterling silver, for example, is 7.5 percent of an alloy with copper. The most common stains left by Sterling Silver Jewelry, in any case, are black and not green. Some sterling silver jewelry are coated with products that help them to maintain the patina, but the coatings may fade over time.

Bracciali in argento a maglia geometrica con charm
Geometric mesh silver bracelets with Pandora charms

The number 925 indicates that the jewelry is real silver.

TRUE In the inner part of a jewel, engraving or stamping the number 925 indicates that the material is, in fact 925, the most common alloy. Of course, the warranty covers: nothing prevents that was affixed to a false jewel, but usually not the case for silver.

In questo orecchino di Giovanni Raspini è ben visibile la punzonatura con il numero 925
In this earring by Giovanni Raspini the hallmark with the number 925 is clearly visible

The Chinese store near your house has rings of jade at a very good price. Can I trust you? They told me that the real jade is cold.

TRUE The temperature is not sufficient proof, but it gives an indication: the jade is poorly conductive. Place it in a sensitive part, for example on the face, it is easy to feel a sensation of cold. Another easy tip is to try to carve the stone with the nail: the true jade is very tough and not show a scratch. The same test can be conducted with a very hot object: the real jade will not show signs of the contact. Finally, authentic jade usually has small imperfections, which are common in nature. A perfect stone should you be born a suspect. In any case, real jade is very expensive.

Anello Palloncino con giada
Palloncino Ring with green jade by Vhernier

Diamonds or cubic zirconia?

Buy a jewel with cubic zirconia, that is, with a synthetic stone that looks like a diamond? Here’s what you need to know about cubic zirconia which is actually … ♦ ︎

Diamonds or cubic zirconia? Those who cannot afford the most loved precious stones are often satisfied with their imitation: cubic zirconia, which is found on jewels that are cheap and shine just the same. But many have asked us to know more: what are the stones called cubic zirconia really? Here’s what you need to know about cubic zirconia, a widely used stone, for example by Pandora and many other jewelry brands with low prices. With a premise: these stones are often sold as zircons. But it is a different stone. Attention: cubic zirconias are also different from diamonds grown or created in the laboratory, which have a chemical structure completely the same as that of natural diamonds. Synthetic or laboratory diamonds cost less than natural diamonds, but much more than a cubic zirconia crystal.
Read also: Cubic zirconia or zircons? Here’s what to choose
Cubic zirconia is often referred to by the initials CZ. If you read CZ in the description of a jewel, then know that it is a synthetic material.

Pandora, charm oro giallo 14 carati con zirconia cubica
Pandora, 14K Yellow Gold Cubic Zirconia Charm

What is it

Cubic zirconia is obtained in the laboratory, it is not a natural stone. But it looks a lot like a diamond. On the contrary, those who are not experts will certainly confuse it as a diamond: it has the same appearance, it is cut simily. Not only that: in addition to the classic colorless appearance, it can also be colored and resemble fancy yellow or blue diamonds. Of course, if you then try to sell a cubic zirconia you will not receive much. Indeed, probably no jeweler will buy a ring with a cubic zirconia mounted.
Cubic zirconia was born in 1976 as a low-cost synthetic diamond. It is obtained by dissolving together a chemical element, zirconium, with zirconium dioxide powder and heating everything at a very high temperature. Since it is a synthetic stone, cubic zirconia is perfect: it does not have the inclusions or defects that can be found on a natural stone. Among other things, the CZ is almost as hard as a diamond: on the hardness scale of Mohs is to 8.5, while a brilliant is the most hard element of all and reaches 10.
How to distinguish a diamond from a cubic zirconia?

Bracciale in galvanica black gun con cubic zirconia
Pianegonda, bracelet in black gun galvanic with cubic zirconia

It is not easy for your eye, and even for a jeweler, who, however, carefully examining the stone with a microscope can identify whether it is synthetic or natural.
If you want to know if the ring that someone gave to you, is with diamond or a cubic zirconia you must necessarily subject the stone to some technical tests.
For example, diamonds are heat conductors, while zirconium oxide is an insulator. In theory, in sum, a diamond heats up before a zirconia. In practice, it takes special tools to ascertain it. Another aspect: hardness. To determine if it reaches 10 or stops at 8.5 without ruining the stone, also in this case it need laboratory instruments. A spectrometer also checks the density of the stone: cubic zirconia is 1.7 times denser than a diamond. Another aspect: the index of refraction: the diamond crossed by a light ray has an index of 2.42 with respect to zirconia, which stops at 2.15-2.18. Then there are other aspects, such as dispersion and color. Cubic zirconia, paradoxically, is almost always more perfect than a diamond. The natural ones on the market, with the exception of exceptions, have a classification lower than the maximum level.
Read also: Diamonds: 4 rules to avoid scams
The price
Cubic zirconia are synthetic stones with a much lower price than a diamond. But, as for natural stones, their cost depends on weight, that is carats. Moreover, not all cubic zirconia are equal: there are some that are better and, therefore, cost more. Finally, do not confuse cubic zirconia, or zircons, with diamonds created in the laboratory, which are much more expensive and almost indistinguishable from natural stones. The real zircons, however, the ones you see in the image below.

Autentici zirconi naturali. Copyright:
Authentic natural zircons. Copyright:
Orecchini con zirconia cubica o cubic zirconia, spesso proposti semplicemente (e spesso ingannevolmente) come zirconi
Earrings with cubic zirconia or cubic zirconia, often proposed simply (and often deceptively) as zircons
Rebecca, Elizabeth linea Elegance anello in bronzo placcato giallo e zirconia cubica
Rebecca, Elizabeth Elegance line ring in yellow plated bronze and cubic zirconia
Yvone Christa, anello in argento placcato in oro 22 carati con una zirconia cubica
Yvone Christa, 22K gold plated silver ring with a pink cubic zirconia
Anelli della collezione Radiant Bloom, in lega metallica rosa e zirconia cubica
Pandora, rings from the Radiant Bloom collection, in pink metal alloy and cubic zirconia
Pandora, anelli in argento con zirconia cubica verde
Pandora, silver rings with green cubic zirconia

Ankle jewelry

Ankle jewelry: it is a summer classic. When it is hot, the number of women who want to wear an anklet increases, a jewel that has an ancient history. According to archaeologists, anklets (but also toe rings) have been worn by women for at least 8,000 years. The fashion of enriching the ankles with small chains or strings of colored beads, composed of glass or semi-precious stones, seems to have originated in South Asia. In these areas the anklet is called as pattilu, payal or nupur. Anklets are still commonly worn by many Indian women, for example on the occasion of weddings.

Cavigliera indiana in argento
Indian anklet in silver

From Asia, the fashion of showing off jewelry on the ankles spread to ancient Egypt. And later, but with some temporal pauses, it arrived in the West, even if morality, for long centuries, has prevented women from attracting attention to their ankles (and let’s not talk about their legs). There is, however, also a less fun aspect: in the past the anklets were also used to limit the step of the wearer, joining two ankles with a thin and sturdy chain. In fact, in some countries such as Italy, the anklet is also called by the name of slave. Things of the past to forget. Now, thankfully, the chain at the end of the legs is just an ornament.

Cavigliera colorata
Colorful anklet

More or less since the Thirties, even in the West, Europe and America, anklets have returned to appear as a casual, informal jewel, to be worn especially in the hottest months of the year. Maybe by the sea, in a bathing suit, on the beach or with light clothing. 70% of all anklets are purchased during the late spring and summer months.

Yvonne Leon, cavigliera in oro 9 carati, smalto e diamanti
Yvonne Leon, 9 carat gold, enamel and diamond anklet

How to wear the anklet? The first thing to ask is if, really, you can afford to wear it. An anklet draws attention to that part of the body: do you have thin enough legs? Do you wear clothes that leave the ankles uncovered? Tanning can increase the desired effect when wearing an anklet. But if your skin is red and white like a pepper may not have the same appeal. Furthermore, if you want to wear an anklet, think that it is a jewel that can be damaged more easily if you do not pay great attention. Better not to overdo it, unless you have an unlimited availability of money. In any case, there are quite cheap anklets on the market.

Jacquie Aiche, oro rosa 14 carati, opale e diamanti
Jacquie Aiche, 14k rose gold, opal and diamonds

What does the anklet mean?

There are also those who assign a meaning to the jewel placed on the ankle: according to some, if you wear the anklet on the left ankle it means that you are a girlfriend or boyfriend, if the anklet is on the right, your heart is free. In short, almost a reminder. But be careful: not everyone knows or shares this signal, so it is better to be cautious in your approaches.

Monica Vinadier, doppia catena con perline
Monica Vinadier, double chain with beads
Shay, cavigliera in oro rosa 18 carati con diamanti
Shay, 18k rose gold anklet with diamonds

How to clean copper jewelry?

There are those who adore copper jewellery. But he doesn’t know how to clean them. The problem, however, is easily solved and the copper jewels and the classic dark red color of the metal can continue to sparkle.

Eliminate marks on the skin
By the way: Copper jewelry also has another problem: When worn for a long time it can leave a greenish mark on the skin. This color is caused by the oxidation of the metal, which reacts with air, but also with sweat or cosmetic products. The good news is that if this happens it means the copper is pure. Furthermore, this is not a big problem: the skin cleans quite easily with soap and water, but also with diluted acidic substances, such as lemon and vinegar. And there are even those who have tried ketchup (and it works). But can these signs be avoided? One method is to coat the internal surface of the jewel in contact with the skin, for example with transparent nail polish: in this way sweat will not come into contact with the metal. There are also those who use Renaissance wax, a product used to protect oil paintings and to create an anti-halo effect: it was developed in the laboratories of the British Museum and is used to preserve all types of objects in the museum and in historical collection, but also to protect blades and knives from corrosion and oxidation.

Orecchini di rame
Copper earrings

Clean copper jewelry
Once the marks on the skin have been eliminated, you can dedicate yourself to cleaning your copper jewels, to make them shine again like when you bought them. The first piece of advice, however, is what NOT to do: avoid using the products on sale to clean pots or other copper objects. They are very aggressive substances and risk ruining your jewellery. Here’s what to do instead:

Anelli di rame
Copper rings

Organic method. Place the jewelry in a plastic or ceramic (not metal) bowl. Sprinkle lemon or lime juice over the jewelry until it covers the metal. You can also add salt and let it rest for about twenty minutes. With a soft cloth or toothbrush, scrub the surface of the jewel. Rinse with cold water and dry with a soft cloth.
Strong ways. If you don’t have enough lemons on hand you can use vinegar, both wine and apple vinegar are fine. Again, just fill a bowl with vinegar until it covers the copper jewelry, and let it rest for a few minutes. Rub without exaggerating, rinse well with water and dry with a soft cloth.

Bracciale in rame, oro bianco e granati by Hemmerle
Bracelet in copper, white gold and garnets by Hemmerle

Perhaps you don’t know that in Roman times copper was mined mainly on the island of Cyprus, in the Mediterranean. Hence the name of the metal: aes cyprium (Cyprian metal), later changed over the years to cuprum (Latin). From this come coper (Old English) and copper (copper in English). It is a soft, malleable and ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. Copper does not react with water, but with atmospheric oxygen, forming a layer of brown-black copper oxide which, unlike the rust that forms on iron in moist air, protects the underlying metal from further corrosion . Copper oxidizes when exposed to certain sulfur compounds, with which it reacts to form various copper sulfides. In jewelry, copper is also used in an alloy with gold to obtain the pink shade of the metal.


The effects of copper
Copper is often used in jewelry not only for its warm color, but also because according to some popular beliefs, bracelets made of this metal relieve the symptoms of arthritis. Unfortunately, in one study for osteoarthritis and in another study for rheumatoid arthritis, no differences were found between a copper bracelet and a control bracelet (not copper). No evidence shows that copper can be absorbed through the skin. And that’s a good thing: if it were, it could lead to copper poisoning.

Bracciale in rame e apatite
Copper and apatite bracelet

The symbols of jewels

Have you ever thought that jewels are not only ornaments, but also symbols? That’s right: jewels are also messages. Very often they contain symbols that communicate a feeling, an intention, and even a request for help. But these symbols are not always known. Maybe you are wearing a piece of jewelry that has a meaning and you don’t know it. Here, then, are the symbols most used in jewelry and what their meaning is.

Il bracciale My Life In Seven Charms
The My Life In Seven Charms bracelet by Annoushka Dukas

With a premise: every moment of history, every society, every culture has its own symbols. So, a list that includes exactly all the symbols that are used in jewelry would be very long. Furthermore, the symbols used in Asia, for example, are quite different from the Western ones (for example the dragon or the circles). Then there are symbols that need no explanation, such as those linked to the zodiac signs, or the cross, a symbol of the Christian religion.

Anello in oro e diamante
Heart-shaped ring in gold and diamond

Symbols of love
Symbols linked to love are the most used in jewellery. The meaning of the eternity ring, for example, composed of a continuous line of diamonds or other gems along the entire edge of the shank, is easily understandable: the desire for endless love. From mathematics, however, comes the symbol ∞, the sign of infinity which, on a jewel, means forever, eternal love. Furthermore, it is impossible not to mention the heart, an organ which, according to an ancient tradition, contains passions and feelings of love.

Anello con il segno dell'infinito
Ring with the infinity sign

The heart is the most common symbol for love, passion, but also for charity. A crown placed above this symbol wearing it indicates that the one who gave it as a gift is the king of the heart. Another symbol linked to love is the arrow, which according to the ancient Greeks was shot by Cupid to make people fall in love. A lock or padlock protects the heart and, therefore, who you love. A padlock is also used as a union sign that cannot be divided.

Collana a catena con lucchetto, pavé di diamanti
Chain necklace with padlock, pavé diamonds by Zoë Chicco

A key, on the contrary, symbolizes the power to open the heart, therefore access to love and feeling. Or to close off access to other competitors in love. Always among the symbols of love, there are occasionally two shaking hands: they are not the sign of a deal just concluded, but a symbol of loyalty, friendship, alliance in life. But this symbol is used more rarely.

Pendente a forma di chiave in platino e diamanti
Key-shaped pendant in platinum and diamonds from Tiffany

The snake
The snake symbol has different meanings. In the ancient Greek and Roman world it meant a guardian, but also a symbol of wisdom, fertility and creative life force. More recently, however, a snake bracelet has had the meaning of eternal love in the Victorian period. Symbol of sin for the Christian religion, the snake has also become a symbol of carnal passion, of desire.

Bracciale Serpente di Bulgari con turchesi e diamanti
Bulgari Serpente bracelet with turquoises and diamonds

Lucky symbols
Since ancient times, jewels have also been used as amulets. Therefore, jewels with symbols to ward off the evil eye or as a good luck charm abound. It does not appear that a jewel of this type can win the lottery, but the fact is that a large number of people who hope to find luck wearing a necklace or a bracelet. The four-leaf clover is traditionally one of the most used symbols. In fact, luck is as rare as a four-lobed clover leaf.

Anello in oro bianco e diamanti
Four-leaf clover-shaped ring in white gold and diamonds by Recarlo

Another symbol of protection from bad luck is the eye. It is a symbol that dates back to classical Greek antiquity. The idea is that the eye protects from the malevolent gaze of enemies. The horseshoe is also a symbol often used for pendants, although their use is controversial: some think it brings good luck when turned up, but bad luck when turned down. But others think otherwise. In Italy, especially in the South, a small horn is considered a good luck charm.

Collana anti malocchio della Maison Aya
Anti-evil eye necklace from Maison Aya

Today it is less common, but every now and then some jeweler proposes a pendant or a ring with the shape of a scarab. The meaning comes from ancient Egypt, when these insects were considered a symbol of renewal and regeneration. Later the scarabs were also considered a sign of resistance of the soul.

Anello triplo grande Luna in oro giallo 14K con uno scarabeo di Labrodorite verde e diamanti bianchi taglio brillante
Luna ring in 14k yellow gold and scarab with labradorites and white diamonds by Lito

Moon and tree of life

It has no meaning related to the stars. The crescent moon, however, symbolizes the beginning of a new relationship, with the hope that the couple will consolidate over time. Another symbol that refers to nature, but also to the origin of life is the tree. And in addition to representing the cycle of biological life on Earth, in the tradition of the Christian religion the tree of life is a tree that God placed in the Garden of Eden, together with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Anello con luna crescente, oro, diamanti
Ring with crescent moon, gold, diamonds by Anthony Lent

The hand of Fatima
Called Hamsa or Khamsa in Arabic, the hand it is an amulet characteristic of the Muslim and Jewish religions. For the Jews it is the Hand of Miriam, sister of Moses and Aaron. For popular Islam, the hand represents an infallible remedy against the evil eye and negative influences in general. But the hand of Fatima was also a sign of freedom for women: according to legend, a woman named Fatima sacrificed her hand to be free. Today the hand of Fatima is also used to indicate spaces dedicated to women.

Anello con ciondolo mano di Fatima
Swarovski, ring with hand of Fatima pendant

Symbol of peace

The peace symbol, also called “make love, not war”, dates back to 1958: it is an idea by the American designer and pacifist Gerald Holtom. It became popular in the 1960s and 1970s during the anti-Vietnam War demonstrations. Although for some the symbol is a graphic representation of the physical love between man and woman, Holtom explained that in reality the graphic sign refers to the semaphore alphabet used in nautical signaling: it would represent the letters N and D, which stands for Nuclear Disarmament. In any case, it has become the universal symbol of peace and love more generally.

Il simbolo della pace
Symbol of peace

5 rules for selling your gold jewelry

Is it a good idea to sell your jewelry? How do you sell a ring, a necklace or earrings? Here are the things to know before selling your precious jewels: the first thing to check is … ♦

The price of gold rises, falls, goes up again. Will it be the right time to sell your jewelry? If you have a gold jewel, before selling it is better to get an idea of ​​the quotation of the yellow metal. But what is the real price? If the jewel is of a great Maison, with diamonds or other precious stones, it is better to have it evaluated by at least three different jewelers: the evaluations can be very different.

Gioielli in oro
Gold jewelry

If, however, your jewelry is made in large part of gold, the first thing to do is look carefully at the charts of the quotes (but also silver and platinum). The experts can also follow the lists of the New York Spot Gold or London Fix. Which one is better? Depends: the first is a price index mainly for transactions in the United States, while the latter refers to European and international markets. It is not a small detail if you intend to sell an important jewel, because the buyer could make his assessment on the most convenient square for him. Knowing, however, the price of gold serves to get an idea of ​​the price: better not to trust what some operators who buy jewelry by weight explain. Here, then, five tips to sell their golds at best.

Isabelle Fa, collana in oro indossata. Copyright:
Isabelle Fa, gold necklace worn. Copyright:

1 Identify price changes: if there is an upward surge in gold prices, London Fix is ​​the first to record its growth, so this is the best market for the seller and obviously not for the buyer. We repeat: this applies to jewels that have a certain weight. For a few grams the difference is not much.

2 Learn gold weights and measures: it is essential, because even if buyers use grams as a unit of measure, in reality the value on the international market is set in ounces. And 1 oz is equivalent to 31.1 grams. So, to understand the current price you just have to multiply the value by 1 ounce by 31.1.

Lingotti d'oro
Gold bars

3 Check the carats of the jewels: the official price of gold is that of pure metal, at 24 carats. But no modern jewel has 24 carats. The jewels are made of gold combined with other metals, to increase resistance, or simply to lower the price. 14-carat gold means, for example, that only 58.3% of your jewelry is made of gold. The rest can be nickel, silver, copper … So when you go to sell the jewel, it will be calculated not for its total weight, but in that relative to the gold part. Attention, 9-carat jewels are often advertised as gold, but when sold they are not considered as such.

Lavorazione di gioielleria
Jewelry making

4 Calculate and compare the best price: It is better to measure and accurately weigh jewels before going to any store, to get an idea (on the internet special scales are on sale). Also, keep in mind that those who buy gold do not pay the theoretical price of the list, because they must merge the jewel and, obviously, add its percentage of income, on which the taxes are paid. Basically, if you have calculated well the value of your gold jewel taking into account the percentage present in the alloy (the carats) and its weight, you must remove at least a good 30%.

Lavorazione orafa. Foto: LaPresse
Goldsmith workmanship. Photo: LaPresse

5 Get the best price: Internet is a good channel for buying jewelry, but not for selling. Some buyers apply discounted rates up to 50% compared to some stores “buy gold”: the same necklace of 14 carats could be estimated at half The jewelers could, however, pay more if they detect a fine craftsmanship, because the jewel it could be transformed and reused.

Controllate il peso del gioielli
Check the weight of the jewelry

What is a bezel?

Do you really know what a bezel means and what it is? And how is a ring with a stone set made? Here are the things you need to know about bezel rings.

Things to know if you like jewelry and you are not a jeweler. Do you know what a bezel is? What is a set with stone? Do you have a ring with a stone set in a bezel? If you are curious about what a jewels setting is, read here.

Anello Taglio Smeraldo, con berillo taglio smeraldo da 14,04 ct e pavé di cristallo di rocca, incastonato in oro giallo
Boucheron, ring, with 14.04 ct emerald-cut beryl and rock crystal pavé, set in yellow gold

Hold the stones. The bezel, or casing, is a mount that serves to hold a stone in place, especially if it has a cabochon cut, that is, with a faceless cut, often hemispherical. The bezel consists of a metal protection that fixes the circumference of the stone. It can be formed by a cavity around which turns a thin metal border that folds over the contour of the gem or, in open frames, from small jaws, which hold the stone in several places. The bezel is positioned in the visible, upper part of the ring and frames the stone which, in this way, remains still. There are different techniques of setting, but all have in common the metal fixing, in silver or gold, which is welded and surrounds the stone. The gem may be more or less positioned in the hollow of the metal. Jewelers today tend to adjust the metal to the size of the stone to be set, following the external shape.

Anello in oro giallo con zircone verde
Yellow gold ring with green zircon set

The height of the edge. The setting can vary in the size of the metal belt that wraps the stone, which can be more or less enveloping, usually about 0.5 millimeters. In the case of diamonds, for example, we tend to keep the metal as thin as possible. The advantage of a setting like a bezel rather than a claw one is that the stone is more protected in this way and is less likely to be damaged. Once the stone is placed in the hollow and surrounded with the metal band, the bezel can be welded to the ring band. The base, in some cases, is eliminated to leave room for the only band that stops the stone.

Clip Panache MystОrieux. Serti MystОrieux Vitrail zaffiri colorati, diamanti
Van Cleef & Arpels, Panache Mysterieux clip. Serti Mysterieux Vitrail colored sapphires, diamonds

When the setting is not seen. There is also an invisible setting. It is a particular technique used to fix precious stones so that the metal support structures are not visible. In French this technique is called serti mystérieux (mysterious setting), and was introduced by Alfred Langlois in 1930. Later, the two French jewelers Salomon Arpels and Alfred Van Cleef, founders of Van Cleef & Arpels, elaborated with Langlois the original idea until requesting the patent of the new casing. Cartier also patented a technique for an invisible bezel, called the invisible serti, but without major developments. Van Cleef & Arpels, instead, continues to use the mystérieux serti in his jewels.

Anello Verde, con smeraldo di 14,90 carati, lacca
Green ring, with 14.90 carat emerald, lacquer
Boghossian, anello con zaffiro di Cylon incastonato in calcedonio intarsiato
Boghossian, Cylon sapphire ring set in inlaid chalcedony
Anello con smeraldo colombiano e diamanti
Grima, ring with Colombian emerald and diamonds with an unusual setting
Anello con rubino e granati, in ceramica, lacca, oro giallo
Ring with ruby and garnets, in ceramic, lacquer, yellow gold
Anello in argento placcato oro con ametista
Gold plated silver ring with amethyst
Anello in oro,giallo e giada
Ring in yellow gold and jade

How to choose the rings to stack

Do you want to wear rings to stack? Different rings on the same finger? Here’s how to choose and what to watch out for ♦ ︎

Do you like to abound? In this case the multiple rings are the ones that do for you. Rings that double, triple, even multiply by four: in reality there is no limit to the number of circles that can be added on a finger. This is why some designers have been studying stacking rings for a long time. They can have an irregular shape that fits like a puzzle piece, or a clip that locks them together, or they can simply be added next to each other. And there are also those who combine rings of different styles, brands, even from different eras. In short, there is no rule: the secret lies in finding the right mix, in the choice of colors if it is rings with stones, in matching shapes, volumes, dimensions and, of course, the materials. Here are some tips.

Anelli con diamanti impilati
Michelle Fantaci, stacked diamond rings

Dimensions. Multiple rings increase the volume of metal and stones on your fingers. For this reason, the size of the individual pieces must be carefully evaluated. It is the whole that must be appreciated, so it is better that there is not one link that prevails over the others. Additionally, a large ring may become uncomfortable to wear due to contact with other rings. It is better to favor rings that have similar dimensions and are not at risk of being ruined by mutual contact.

Anelli di Roberto Coin
Rings by Roberto Coin

Colors. Mixing gold rings with different colors is possible. But pay attention to the nuances: pink gold is not always the same, and the same goes for yellow. A ring in 22 carat gold, intense yellow, will be too prevalent if combined with a metal with only 14 carats, paler. And a rose gold that tends to red because it has a higher percentage of copper can suffocate a ring with a softer color.

Anelli impilati con zaffiri di diversi colori
Rings stacked with sapphires of different colors from Gumuchian

Mix of styles. If you want to stack different rings, remember to follow a precise idea. In short, juxtaposing rings at random is not a good idea. If you have the chance it is better to wear rings with the same idea of ​​departure, a common style.
Weight. It seems strange to say, but adding too many rings to the fingers can work. Even a few grams, after many hours, feel: better focus on lightness.
Hazards. Stacking rings is fun, but be careful not to ruin them. Rings with stones or with a particularly elaborate design can scratch the neighboring ones.

Spinelli Kilcollin, anello Mercury in oro giallo, rosa e argento
Spinelli Kilcollin, Mercury ring in yellow, rose and silver gold
Anelli impilabili: in argento, oro giallo e diamanti, oro rosa e diamanti
Birks, stackable rings: in silver, yellow gold and diamonds, rose gold and diamonds
Alessa Jewelry, anelli della Amara Collection
Alessa Jewelry, rings from the Amara Collection
Cinque anelli in argento placcati oro 18 carati
Iosselliani, five 18k gold-plated silver rings
Set Angelina composto da tre anelli in oro con diamanti
Jean Dousset, Angelina set composed of three gold rings with diamonds

How to eliminate forever the oxide

The silver of the jewelry, unfortunately, oxidizes and becomes black. How to prevent silver from turning into a blackened metal? Here are some simple tricks to prevent silver from being black ♦

Raise your hand who in the drawer doesn’t have at least one silver jewel that has oxidized. He was so cute, maybe it was cheap, or maybe you received a gift, the inheritance of your aunt and so… In any case, earrings and silver rings can very often be blackened due to the contact with oxygen: they oxidize and leave an unpleasant color on the skin.

The Twisted Coin, anello in argento con dollaro
The Twisted Coin, silver ring with dollar

Why does silver turn black? Simple: sterling silver or 925 is not 100% pure. In reality 92.5% is silver, while 7.5% is composed of other alloy metals. Often it is copper, responsible for the oxidation reaction, that is, the reaction of the metal in contact with the oxygen present in the air, but also with sulfur (often caused by pollution), or with humidity. This is achieved by contact with the skin of people who have a high Ph, i.e. slightly more acidic sweat. Finally, skin lotions, sunscreens, deodorants, perfumes and hairspray are other factors that can accelerate the oxidation of the metal.

Bracciale in argento sterling con pietre
Perfectly polished sterling silver bracelet

Off the light. To avoid making silver blacken, however, one must first learn to keep it well. Light, heat and humidity are enemies of silver and get to blacken it. Store the jewels in a closed box, lined with a soft cloth to prevent the metal from being damaged. If you don’t have a wooden box, you can also opt for a plastic box or a jar, but not transparent.

Anello Maui in argento e madreperla
Maui ring in silver and mother of pearl

Desiccant bags. The humidity, as mentioned, blackens the silver. Store the jewels together with desiccant bags, which are also used for electronic equipment. Inside the bags there may be, for example, silica gel, which keeps the surrounding air dry. It is a useful advice especially for those who live in houses or in humid places, such as at the sea or near a stream. Attention, keep the bags out of reach of children: they are not edible at all. Don’t want to buy bags? You can get away with a piece of chalk, another material that tends to absorb moisture.

Sacchetto essiccante
Desiccant bag

Also read: How to clean silver jewelry

Beware of acid. Acid substances are harmful to the health of your silver. Ok, you don’t have the habit of sprinkling your sterling silver earrings with lemon juice. However, the acidity of the skin, the cosmetics, and even the casual contact with some residue in the kitchen can quickly make the jewelery shine disappear. Do not put necklaces, rings and bracelets in mustard, lemon, vinegar and, in general, food … If you have sweated during the day, clean the jewels before storing them.

Rubber and latex. You didn’t suspect it, but even rubber and latex are not friends of silver. Prolonged contact may oxidize silver more quickly.
No dishwasher. Have you thought about polishing silver jewelery in the dishwasher? Mistaken. The detergent and the heat of the water can cause oxidation and corrode the metal. Silver must be cleaned with cold water and mild soap.

No dishwasher. Have you thought about polishing silver jewelery in the dishwasher? Mistaken. The detergent and the heat of the water can cause oxidation and corrode the metal. Silver must be cleaned with cold water and mild soap.

Anello con argento annerito
Ring with blackened silver

Still, there is a little trick to avoid this. Just copy the advice in this video we found on the net. The images are very clear, so there is no problem to understand its meaning.

Ok, it is advice banal, but it works. It goes like this: you take your ring that is blackened, and first of all clean it well. There are many ways to do this: you can use hot water and a couple of teaspoons of salt, leaving it to soak jewel. Or you can use water and baking soda. Once the gem is clean, here is a suggestion: you have to dry thoroughly and then just paint inside with transparent nail polish. Let dry and, voila, here is the problem eliminated. Easy, right?

Comment protéger une bague en argent ? di mariefrance

Ciondolo in argento ossidato
Oxidized silver pendant
Anello Contrarié
De Vecchi, contrary ring
Pianegonda, anello in argento della collezione Planus
Pianegonda, silver ring from the Planus collection/caption]

[caption id="attachment_35412" align="aligncenter" width="709"]Gli effetti dell'ossidazione dell'argento The effects of silver oxidation

Anello in argento di Bury
Bury silver ring

How to clean a Pandora bracelet?

How to clean Pandora jewelry? Here are the tips for keeping Pandora jewelry bright

Pandora jewelry is among the most popular. Proposed years ago only in the silver version, especially the famous bracelets with charms, they are now also available in the Pandora Rose version, which consists of an alloy of silver and copper, with a plating used to prevent oxidation, or in Pandora Shine: silver with an 18-carat gold plating. On the jewels, moreover, there are also crystals and cubic zirconia, synthetic gems that resemble the diamond. Pandora jewelry also has another characteristic: they are usually worn often, even every day. They are, in fact, the classic jewels for everyday life: bracelets, earrings and necklaces that you choose without thinking too much, also because their price is quite affordable and you are less afraid of losing them.

Gioielli della linea Pandora Me indossati
Worn jewels from the Pandora Me line

Precisely for this reason, however, Pandora jewels can mist up earlier due to prolonged contact with the skin, or due to dust, or the wear of the plating. It is therefore important to regularly clean Pandora jewelry. For example, how to clean Pandora jewelry with pink alloy (but the method also applies to others)? Here’s how to do it: the tips are from Pandora itself. The shine of the metal can be maintained by regularly polishing the jewels with a soft cloth: just rub gently, paying attention to the surfaces where crystals or cubic zirconia are set. Too vigorous cleaning could ruin the subtle plating of Pandora Shine jewelry.

Elemento in Pandora Shine Simba
Pandora Shine Simba

Often Pandora jewels, which are finished by hand in the laboratories that the Danish company has made in Thailand, also have details in colored enamel. Enamel is a very resistant material, but over time, perhaps because the jewel is subjected to contact with other objects, it could be damaged. Precisely for this reason it is better to avoid rubbing the jewel with too rough materials, which can make the situation worse.

Gracie Abrams in Pandora
Gracie Abrams in Pandora

The jewels can also be washed gently in warm soapy water to remove any traces of grease left by the skin. When still wet, jewelry can be cleaned better with the use of a soft bristle toothbrush. But, attention: it is better to avoid the use of liquids used for silver polishing and ultrasonic cleaning. Handle clean jewelry with care: it is better to store them separately to avoid scratches.

Anello in argento e cubic zirconia
Ring in silver and cubic zirconia
Pandora, collezione Zodiaco
Pandora Rose necklace
Collana Pandora Rose
Necklace Pandora Rose
Bracciale Reflexions, in Pandora Shine
Reflexions bracelet, in Pandora Shine

Tiaras: a brilliant idea

Diadem and tiaras are all the rage, they can be precious or simple bijoux. Here is a selection and advice on how to wear a tiara or a diadem. And not just at the wedding ♦

Today, the word tiara has become synonymous with diadem. The tiara is often translated with a tiara-like word in many languages. Both words, however, derive from the ornaments worn on the head by men and women in antiquity. These ornaments indicated high status. But today this is no longer the case. The tiara is often worn on formal occasions, particularly if the dress code is a white tie, or for ceremonies such as weddings. And not only that: a tiara can also be worn with informal clothing. Of course, in this case, it will be different from the tiara used for a ceremony.

Elizabeth von Thurn und Taxis indossa una spilla e e una tiara con diamanti e smeraldi (immagine dal catalogo Sotheby's)
Elisabeth von Thurn und Taxis wears a brooch and tiara with diamonds and emeralds (image from Sotheby’s catalog)

The first woman to minimize the royalty of tiaras, tiaras and crowns, the prerogative of high jewelery and high society, was Courtney Love, in 1995, when she showed up at a concert with a statement circle fakest crystals that looked like diamonds. Something similar to the crown of Miss America, pity the lipstick was deliberately smudged.

Meghan Markle, prima del suo principesco matrimonio, con tiara
Meghan Markle, before her princely wedding, with tiara

It was 20 years ago and now there are girls in New York who do not give up a jewel in the hair even to go to the office, while the fashion designer Vivienne Westwood wears a crown of coral when she goes on a bike ride to London. And so, like Borsalino hat is back in fashion for young men and casual dress, an outfit is not complete if it lacks the right ornament on head.

How to wear the tiara

That, pay attention, is no longer an expression of a rank, but a free choice. The most interesting thing is that the democratization of the tiara has even changed the label of the young princesses and queens in Europe, with Kate Middleton in the head, you should say, rather than the back door, in line with your ears and tilted at least 45 degrees, while the custom would like placed far ahead and almost horizontal. Now that you know even the proper way to bring here is a selection suited to weddings and less formal occasions.

Carolina Herrera, Falling Jasmine tiara e orecchino a bottone in argento placcato oro e smalto bianco
Carolina Herrera, Falling Jasmine tiara and ear stud in gold plated silver and white enamel

Tiaras are often worn by actresses in movies, comedies and on television. In 2013, Cartier created a replica of the ruby and diamond tiara they had originally made in 1956 for Princess Grace of Monaco for the film Grace of Monaco, starring Nicole Kidman. But the tiaras can also be made of plastic, rhinestones, Swarovski crystals or any other non-precious material. They are worn by women on occasions such as a party or prom. They are also worn by beauty pageant winners and children who dress up as Disney princesses.

Princess Eugenia con la tiara
Princess Eugenie with tiara
La principessa Beatrice con lo sposo Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, indossa la Queen Mary's Fringe Tiara
Princess Beatrice with her husband Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, wearing the Queen Mary’s Fringe Tiara
Swarovski, Lucia tiara, in palladio e oro
Swarovski, Lucia tiara, palladium and gold
Tiara in platino con acquamarina
Bulgari, platinum tiara with aquamarine
Tiffany, diadema Butterfly. Gli spinelli rosa e i diamanti tondi taglio brillante adornano un diadema in platino di squisita manifattura, che sviluppa il tema della farfalla al centro. Peso complessivo in carati: diamanti tondi taglio brillante, 19.97; spinelli rosa, 10.98; diamanti marquise, 0.73
Tiffany, Butterfly tiara. Pink spinels and round brilliant diamonds adorn an exquisitely crafted platinum tiara, developing the butterfly theme at its centre. Total Carat Weight: Round Brilliant Diamonds, 19.97; pink spinels, 10.98; marquise diamonds, 0.73
TIara di Susan McLeary
Susan McLeary tiara
Kate Middleton con la tiara di Cartier
Kate Middleton with the Cartier tiara
Tiara e collana vittoriana venduta da Christie's
Victorian tiara and necklace sold at Christie’s
BijouxBrigitte, diadema color argento con strass. Prezzo: 25 euro
Bijou Brigitte, silver-colored tiara with rhinestones
La tiara progettata per Asscher (dal sito di Reena Ahluwalia)
The tiara designed for Asscher (from Reena Ahluwalia’s website)
Oscar de La Renta, tiara in metallo placcato oro e cristalli. Prezzo: 300 euro
Oscar de La Renta, gold plated metal tiara and crystals

Things to know about diamonds blacks

Do you like blacks diamonds? You know that not all blacks diamonds are alike? Here are six things to know about diamonds blacks.

If you think about a diamond, it is likely to have in mind a white, dazzling, gleaming transparent stone, perhaps mounted on a ring. But the jewelry companies have discovered, or rather rediscovered, the colored diamonds. And if those blue, pink or yellow are the kings of the auctions, with dizzying prices, to their collections the jewelers often use diamonds also another color: black. And in many cases these diamonds do not have crazy prices, indeed. So the question arises: are really cheap the blacks diamonds? Where they come from? They are the same as transparent? Here are six things to know about diamonds blacks.

Anello con diamanti neri
Black diamond ring

1 What is the origin of blacks diamonds?
Not all black diamonds have the same origin. There are diamonds that have turned black without being black at the origin and there are natural, fancy diamonds (called fantasy, because they have a different color from white). All of them, white, yellow, pink or black, are diamonds, but they have different stories. Most black diamonds, the ones that don’t cost too much, are originally diamonds of another color, considered not valuable, which have been heated to very high temperatures. Basically, they were cooked and turned black. On the contrary, natural black diamonds are very rare. The natural black color, in fact, is produced by the inclusion of graphite in the crystal structure during the formation of the gem, millions of years ago, before the deposits of kimberlite (where the stones are located) reached the earth’s surface. In a nutshell, the only difference between white or, more correctly colorless, diamonds and natural black ones is that the latter have the inclusion of graphite and the clear ones do not. The crystalline structure is instead the same. In their natural state, these stones are found in very few places, especially in Brazil and Central Africa.

Anello in oro bianco 18 carati con pavé di diamanti neri
Mini Chevron Pinky Ring in 18k White Gold with Pavé Black Diamonds by David Yurman

2 What is the right price of blacks diamonds?
Obviously natural blacks diamonds cost more than those heated. The ratio is at least ten times or more. If, for example, a black diamond heated costs 100 Euros or dollars, it will cost about 1,000 if it is natural, with the same carats. On eBay there are blacks diamonds (treated) from 1 carat to just over $ 100-200. A natural 1 carat black diamond oscillates about $ 2,500-3,000, but the price is variable according to the request.

Collana Entaglement con diamanti bianchi e neri, smeraldo a goccia disegnata per Garrard
Entaglement necklace with black and white diamonds, drop emerald designed for Garrard by Ilaria Lanzoni

3 How do I recognize a black diamond?
Natural black diamonds are generally opaque, but with metallic reflections, although there are different qualities. Natural black diamonds are also often difficult to polish and cut. Another weak point of natural black diamonds is the surface, which could be porous. In practice, it is very difficult for a jeweler to use natural black diamonds, although it cannot be ruled out.

Bracciale elastico in oro bianco 18 carati, diamanti bianchi e neri
Elastic bracelet in 18-karat white gold, white and black diamonds by Roberto Demeglio

4 How do I know what kind of diamonds I’m buying ?
Artificially treated diamonds may not have an official certificate that guarantees their quality, such as the one issued by Gia, the American Gemological Institute. On the other hand, black diamonds are often used to compose pavé and a certificate may be superfluous: jewels of this type are valued more for their design than for the quality of black diamonds. A natural black diamond, on the other hand, is an official recognition, which you can ask your jeweler: given the price difference it is worth it.

Anello in oro bianco e nero, con diamanti bianchi e neri, al centro un diamante nero di 3,80 carati
Sutra, black and white gold ring, with black and white diamonds, in the center a black diamond of 3.80 carats

5 Why they are cool?
For some years the blacks diamonds are considered as special stones, a little unconventionals. In an episode of Sex and the City, Mr. Big gave Carrie Bradshaw a ring with a crown of diamonds blacks, because “because you are not anyone else.” Also blacks diamonds were worn by Katherine Heigl, Angelina Jolie, Cate Blanchett, Evan Rachel Wood, Jennifer Lawrence, Lauren Conrad and Sarah Jessica Parker.

Mr Big regala l'anello con diamante nero a Carrie Bradshaw in «Sex and the City»
Mr Big gives black diamond ring to Carrie Bradshaw in ‘Sex and the City’

6 I have a black diamond. Can I wash it, or it will fades?
You can clean a black diamond just like other diamonds. Also read How to clean diamonds.

Anello in oro rodiato nero e diamanti neri by Borgioni
Ring in black rhodium-plated gold and black diamonds by Borgioni

The secrets of rhodium jewelry

What is rhodium plating? And how do you clean a rhodium-plated jewel? Here’s what you need to know about rhodium plating and what the differences are with a non-rhodium-plated jewel ♦

How many times have you read that a jewel is rhodium plated, but do not you know what that means? If you are among those (many) who do not know the meaning of the word rhodium, and what the rhodium needs, read this article. It will erases away any doubt about rhodium, but it will also teach how to clean and store jewels treated with rhodium.

A sinistra rodiature, a destra metallo opacizzato
Left rhodium plating, right opaque metal

What is it

As the word indicates, rhodium plating is a process that is used for jewels and uses a particular metal called rhodium. It is a rare, white, very durable metal. It is often used in alloy with platinum to increase the hardness of that metal. The rhodium is not only very durable, but also used to make other metals more shining. It is, however, very expensive: its price exceeds that of platinum and gold.

Anello Mezzaluna Collection in oro bianco rodiato nero e diamanti
Al Coro, Mezzaluna Collection ring in black rhodium-plated white gold and diamonds

The rhodium plating
The jewelery plating consists of covering the jewel with the thin layer of rhodium. The minimum layer thickness is 0.1 micron, the maximum 25 micron. Rhodium is often used to shine white gold and, rarely, silver: it is, in fact, a fairly expensive procedure. The method for plating a jewel is similar to what you use to cover it with the gold: it is a galvanic process. In practice, they use electricity and a bathroom where rhodium microparticles are found, covering the jewel metal with a thin layer. The result is a much brighter metal.

Anello in oro bianco e diamanti della collezione Milano di Pomellato
Ring in white gold and diamonds from the Milano collection by Pomellato

Because rhodium is used

The rhodium is used to make the shiny jewel, but also because it protects metal from corrosion and wear, and preserves its original appearance. Finally, rhodium is usually tolerated by allergic people, for example, nickel that has often been used in gold alloy. The rhodium cover prevents the skin from touching the jewel metal. Of course, if you are not allergic to rhodium …

Bracciale in argento rodiato con diamanti neri. Prezzo: 33.600 euro
Georg Jensen, rhodium silver bracelet with black diamonds 

How to keep rhodium
As we have written, the plating process consists of metal covering with a thin film of rhodium. Rhodium is a durable metal, of course, but with time it all wears off. To keep the the jewel plated longer, and therefore to keep the glitter of the jewel, be careful not to rub the metal against objects that can scratch it. Also, it is not advisable to clean the metal with aggressive detergents. Better a very soft and simple water cloth, or a toothbrush, provided it does not have hard bristles.
Bracciale Annali. Diamanti, tanzanite cabochon, oro rodiato
Neha Dani, Annali bracelet. Diamonds, cabochon tanzanite, rhodium-plated gold

You can do it later?
If you have a jewel that has a few years and with a matte metal, you can turn to a jeweler to polish the metal with a rhodium. The cost depends (besides what the jeweler wants to collect) from the thickness of the metal that is added to the jewel.
Anello in argento rodiato con finitura oro e cubic zirconia bianchi
Rhodium plated silver ring with gold finish and white cubic zirconia

Choose the right size of necklace

Long or short? Choker or sautoir? For day or night? If you want to know what is the right length of a necklace, read this quick guide. Because the right length of a necklace also depends on the wearer’s body ♦

Non è facile scegliere la collana giusta...
It’s not easy to choose the right necklace…

The necklace don’t must be too large: it must be the right size. Whether it’s a day of celebration or not, it is good to pay attention to the length of a necklace: it not must to be out of tune to your body size, but not out of tune with the clothing. So, every day you have to pay attention to the jewel that you choose and the combination with the dress. Of course, in addition to the model, also the length of the necklace must be in harmony. In Europe, in general, the necklaces are divided into five different lengths (not considering the length of the clip which, if it is very large, it should be calculated).

Collana Louis Vuitton indossata
Worn Louis Vuitton necklace

The collar is long from 38 to 42 cm, depending on neck size. Usually it look better on thin necks. The so-called princess necklace is longer: from 43 to 50 cm. In practice, it is not attached to the neck, but it goes down to the clavicle. The necklace is called matinee (was considered a good measure for the day) is even longer, 50 cm. It is an intermediate compared to necklaces that reach 55 cm and cover the neckline. Finally, there are the necklaces long, 60 cm and over. Are so-called sautoir or opera, very popular in the thirties. The necklaces even longer, from 80 centimeters per meter and beyond, are wrapped in two or more turns.

cane e collana
A neck that is not perfectly shaved is not suitable for a pearl choker
Una collana girocollo è indicata per chi ha un collo sottile
A choker necklace looks good on those with a thin neck

Pendants. A pendant large changes the look and balance of a necklace. In addition to the length, in short, one has to consider the aesthetic effect of the pendent.

Collana indossata
Piaget, necklace with Possession pendant worn

Choose the length. The length of the necklace must be proportionate to the height and body type. Necklaces court are not recommended for women curvilinear because accentuate the width. On the contrary, necklaces too long can accentuate an excessive thinness. Who has a big breast don’t needs a further emphasize of the shapes with a big necklace: better a jewel that is midway between the collarbone and neck. Who has a few curves can instead opt for a longer chain.

Jeux de Liens indossato
Chaumet, necklaces from the Jeux de Liens collection

Outfit. A short necklace is more formal. To evenings, ceremonies and official occasions better to opt for a chocker, since it is assumed to be worn with a neckline very high or above a high-necked dress. A necklace double or triple ride can be the right solution, but attention to the distance between a wire and the other. If it is a small chain or small beads, the lines can stand next to each other, if are bigger, better to keep a greater distance.


La lunghezza delle collane secondo le definizioni negli Usa. Misure in pollici
The length of the necklaces according to the definitions in the USA. Measurements in inches
Modella con collier di Jacob & co
Model with choker by Jacob & co. Copyright:
Tina Kunakey, con il collier in oro giallo e platino con diamanti taglio round e taglio baguette da 37 carati, originariamente realizzato da Jean Schlumberger per Tiffany & Co. nel 1956 e ricreato nel 1986 in occasione del 30° anniversario di Jean Schlumberger da Tiffany & Co.
Tina Kunakey wearing the 37-carat yellow gold and platinum baguette- and round-cut diamond necklace originally designed by Jean Schlumberger for Tiffany & Co. in 1956 and recreated in 1986 for Jean Schlumberger’s 30th anniversary at Tiffany & Co. Co.
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