After the crisis for OroArezzo there is a desire for optimism. Focus on Made in Italy ♦
The starting numbers are not exciting. But the atmosphere of the Italian economy (in general) seems less heavy than that of recent years. So OroArezzo (6-9 May), a traditional fair in one of the Italian districts of the ornament, is in balance between pessimism and optimism. The numbers, in fact, would push the balance on a not reassuring view: as the name indicates, the event had as its starting point the gold processing, particularly alive in the Tuscan area. And in 2016, demand for gold in the world dropped by 22%. This is one of the reasons that has depressed Italian jewelry sales to 7.9 billion, with jewelery for exported 5.4 billion. Data that marks a difficult time for business in the industry.
It seems, however, that spring 2017 is more serene, especially because of a less uncertain climate for markets such as the Middle East. But on US there is the cloud of the Donald Trump import duties. And, more, the price of gold goes to swing, linked to crisis, election climes, and world economy figures. In any case, who exports is on average less than 20% compared to a few years ago.
All this is reflected on OroArezzo, now organized by the Italian Exhibition Group, the subject born of the union of Fiera Vicenza (that organizes VicenzaOro) and Fiera Rimini. An almost obligatory step, the concentration of the fairgrounds, which should bring synergies (so hopefully) also in the case of OroArezzo, which is now very focused on territory and reality: 640 exhibitors for 97% Italians, on 20 thousand square meters. In short, a concentrated appointment on the industrial side (the industry counts 10,000 businesses and 40,000 employees.
On the side of the event, it is worth mentioning the inauguration of the new Museum of the Oro, inside the prestigious seat of the 14th century Palazzo di Fraternita di Arezzo, with the jewels of Oro d’Autore Collection, created by Arezzo Fiere e Congressi. It includes 82 jewels made by goldsmithers artisan from Arezzo and Vicenza in collaboration with artists, architects, designers and designers. In addition, the Premiere Contest continues. This year the theme chosen is that of the bracelet. Federico Graglia
Sul lato della manifestazione, è da segnalare l’inaugurazione del nuovo Museo dell’Oro, all’interno della prestigiosa sede del trecentesco Palazzo di Fraternita di Arezzo, con i gioielli della Collezione Oro d’Autore, creata da Arezzo Fiere e Congressi. Comprende 82 gioielli realizzati dalle aziende orafe di Arezzo e Vicenza in collaborazione con artisti, architetti, designer e stilisti. Continua, inoltre, il concorso Premiere. Quest’anno il tema scelto è quello del bracciale. Federico Graglia