L'anello ottagonale di Pippa Middleton
L'anello ottagonale di Pippa Middleton

Pippa Middleton, the ring’s trendsetter

No denying it: the gossip columns involving the British royal family don’t go out of style. They attracts attention also as regards the jewels. The latest news are about the wedding of Pippa Middleton, sister of Kate, Duchess of Cambridge and wife of the heir to the throne Williams. She was photographed with a large diamond ring, precious sign of engagement with James Matthews, a rich businessman. If Kate has received the ring with sapphire once belonged to Diana Spencer, mother of Williams, you can not say that Pippa ring is less important. According to the expert gemologist of the Daily Telegraph, the ring has a value of about 200,000 pounds, or about 240,000 euro. The engagement ring is not the classic solitaire. It is octagonal in shape and has been purchased by London jeweler Robinson Pelham, serving for years the Middleton family and provided the diamond earrings that the Duchess of Cambridge wore on her wedding day.
The advantage of the square shape
According to experts, the symmetrical proportions of the rings with square stones, which not coincidentally are called princess, have the advantage of appearing larger than with round shape. They also tend to get better value for money, because the square cut is easier for those who work the stones and you can waste less material. Alessia Mongrando

Il vantaggio della forma quadrata

Secondo gli esperti, le proporzioni simmetriche degli anelli con pietre quadrangolare, che non a caso si chiamano princess, hanno il vantaggio di apparire più grandi rispetto a quelli circolari. Tendono anche a ottenere un migliore rapporto qualità-prezzo, perché il taglio quadrato è più semplice per chi lavora le pietre e consente di sprecare meno materiale. Alessia Mongrando

L'anello ottagonale di Pippa Middleton
L’anello ottagonale di Pippa Middleton
Pippa Middleton con anello
Pippa Middleton con anello
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Kate Middleton con l’anello appartenuto a Diana
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Anello con diamante taglio quadrato di Tiffany
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