Strategies, programs, forecasts on the Italian jewel. Or, more precisely, on the jewelery industry, which has one of its strengths in the Tuscan district of Arezzo. This is the starting point for the discussion organized by Ieg in the First Summit of Italian Jewelery, together with the Municipality of Arezzo, the local Chamber of Commerce and Arezzo Fiere e Congressi. With the pandemic limiting travel, in fact, the moment of reflection has replaced the autumn appointment of Gold Italy. But the Italian gold industry remains strong: 7,482 companies in the sector are active, which employ 31,172 employees and generate a turnover of almost 8 billion euros.
Around a virtual table, the president of Ieg Lorenzo Cagnoni, the mayor of Arezzo Alessandro Ghinelli, the president of the Arezzo Siena Chamber of Commerce Massimo Guasconi and the president of Arezzo Fiere e Congressi, Ferrer Vannetti, discussed together with the general manager of Ice, Roberto Luongo, who photographed the state of health of the gold and jewelery sector on international markets, with particular reference to the United States, Switzerland, France, the United Arab Emirates and Hong Kong. The post lockdown led to robust growth of Made in Italy jewelery, with + 71.3% compared to 2020 (this was easy), but also + 7.2% compared to 2019, with value in the first nine months of 2021 was equal to 5.5 billion euros. The jewel contributed to Italian exports, between 2020 and 2021, with an increase of 0.44%.
But the discussion did not lack the contribution of strong brands, such as Bulgari, Vhernier and Unoaerre. Eleonora Rizzuto of Lvmh to which Bulgari heads, explained how the approach to luxury is destined to change: the customer will pay more and more attention to the transparency of information, will be more curious and eager for answers on everything related to the responsible management of activities.
According to Maria Cristina Squarcialupi, of Unoaerre, a further step forward can come from the care of shared values with all the actors of the value chain: the role of companies during the transition will be strategic in redesigning an economic system and Italian production has a gear in more, because it is characterized by an interconnected supply chain that goes from the recovery and production of raw materials to their transformation into a finished product, from the creation of all the components to the finishing of the object.
Isabella Traglio (Vhernier), on the other hand, emphasized the importance of brand recognition, an element that incorporates part of its value. And Made in Italy has made quality and punctual control of the entire supply chain the cornerstones of its differentiation from global competitors.
In the discussion also to the president of Federorafi Confindustria, Claudia Piaserico, and to the vice president with responsibility for training Alessia Crivelli: the two managers presented the project entitled The New Metropolitan Training Network. Objective: to create new professional, operational and managerial skills, through specialized training plans, born thanks to an increasingly fruitful collaboration between professional technical institutes, universities and academic foundations, but also with an effective communication to young people of training opportunities and professional perspectives.
Conclusions entrusted to Corrado Peraboni, CEO of Ieg, who together with Marco Carniello, Global Exhibition Director Jewelery & Fashion of the trade fair company, presented the next steps available to goldsmith companies to meet international markets: Vicenzaoro January (21-26 January 2022, Vicenza Fair), Jewelery Gem & Technology Dubai (22-24 February 2022, Dubai World Trade Center), Oroarezzo (7-10 May 2022, Arezzo Fiere e Congressi).