Bracciale Orchidea, Un'allegoria dei fiori, della collezione di Patrizia Corvaglia per il museo del Prado di Madrid. Bronzo e smalto
Bracciale Orchidea, Un'allegoria dei fiori, della collezione di Patrizia Corvaglia per il museo del Prado di Madrid. Bronzo e smalto

Patrizia Corvaglia’s jewels to look at

Jewels, but to look before wearing: they are those of Patrizia Corvaglia, Roman artist-designer. In fact, more than jewels in the classic sense, Patrizia Corvaglia’s productions are more comfortable under the showcases of an exhibition, rather than in jewelry. But this does not mean that they cannot also be used as ornaments, even if they are unique pieces and created with the idea of ​​researching the material and volumes. Sculptures that use gold and semi-precious stones as materials.

Pendente Orchidea, Un'allegoria dei fiori, della  collezione di Patrizia Corvaglia per il museo del Prado di Madrid. Bronzo e smalto
Pendente Orchidea, Un’allegoria dei fiori, della collezione di Patrizia Corvaglia per il museo del Prado di Madrid. Bronzo e smalto

The Patrizia Corvaglia Gioielli brand was born in 2002. From that year, the designer’s jewels have participated in numerous exhibitions, testifying to the fact that these are first of all creations created also with the spirit of artistic research. The source of inspiration for the jewels are natural elements, as in the Leaves collection, but also abstract geometries, as in the case of the Optical collection, where the shape of the circle is repeated in a hypnotic way. And unlike the Geometrie collection, which prefers the rectangular design.
There is also a link to the architecture and history of Salento, the land of origin of the designer: the Baroque collection takes up the curls and curves of that artistic period that marked art in Puglia.

Anello Assolo in argento
Anello Assolo in argento
Bracciale Torrente, collezione Forme, argento
Bracciale Torrente, collezione Forme, argento
Bracciale Ficus, collezione Foglie, in bronzo
Bracciale Ficus, collezione Foglie, in bronzo
Anello Ficus, collezione Foglie, in bronzo
Anello Ficus, collezione Foglie, in bronzo
Anello Bacio in bronzo
Anello Bacio in bronzo

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