OroArezzo returns, the business of the yellow metal seen through the jewelery ♦ ︎
The countdown has already begun. The second life of OroArezzo (6-8 May), entrusted from last year to the care and synergies of the Italian Exhibition Group (the fair organization that organizes VicenzaOro) can now take advantage of the strong facilities entrusted to the general manager of IEG, Corrado Facco . Here, then, that the appointment number 39 is no longer in competition with the most famous VicenzaOro, but becomes complementary. More dedicated to the production, to the components, to the processing of jewels, as it is in the tradition of the Aretine district, OroArezzo foresees the participation of 650 goldsmiths. In fact, last year the goldsmith companies represented 75% of the total exhibitors, while 13% were the machine companies and 12% those present in the cash and carry section, for immediate sales.
The program presented by Ieg includes Meeting Club and Retail Club Italia, moments dedicated to the business of over 450 buyers hosted, of which 80% international, operators of emerging and traditional markets, coming from 60 countries thanks to the support of the Ministry of Development and Ice, which finance part of the organization.
In the program there is no lack of outline events, such as the Premiere Competition, which sees the goldsmith companies competing and this year has as its theme the Goldsmith’s Art and the Recovery of Precious Metals. Who will win?