Romeo BEVILACQUA, brocca, 1953. Maiolica con decorazione policroma, interno dorato
Romeo BEVILACQUA, brocca, 1953. Maiolica con decorazione policroma, interno dorato

Ceramics at the Jewelry Museum

Ceramics is now a material commonly used in jewelry. Perhaps this is also why the Jewelry Museum in Vicenza opens its doors to ceramics, but the artistic kind. From September 5 to December 8, 2024, the space managed by Ieg has scheduled the new temporary exhibition 1949-1975: Ceramics between design and artistic experimentation. A parallel story to the Gold Fair, curated by the Giuseppe De Fabris Civic Museum of Ceramics in Nove (Vicenza).

Raymond Loewy Per Porcellane Rosenthal, Zuppiera serie 2000, 1961
Raymond Loewy for Porcellane Rosenthal, Tureen Series 2000, 1961

In addition to goldsmith production, Vicenza has also developed ceramic art. The exhibition includes 27 unique creations from the collection of the Vicenza Fair (Ieg group), which between 1949 and 1975 were awarded during the competitions organized as part of the trade fair held in the Veneto capital. The exhibition is also organized during the 70th anniversary of Vicenzaoro. And coinciding with the opening day of Vicenzaoro, Friday 6 September, the Museum will remain exceptionally open until 9 pm.

Ceramic art is an artistic excellence that takes us back to the origins of the Vicenza gold fair, exactly 70 years after its birth. It represents a source of pride for our territory and we are excited to offer the general public the opportunity to discover this tradition, which represents another founding element of the cultural heritage of Vicenza, proposing our museum as a spokesperson and amplifier of our artistic heritage.
Michela Amenduni, manager of the Museo del Gioiello

Cesare Sartori per Sica, Ciotola in maiolica smaltata all’aerografo, decorazione piolicroma, 1959
Cesare Sartori for Sica, Bowl in airbrushed majolica, polychrome decoration, 1959

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