About Carolina Bucci we have already spoken. Now the Florentine designer, very popular in the US and Britain, is launching a new collection: Recharmed. The idea is of jewelry that may agree with a summer dress, light-hearted, perhaps from the beach. A little ‘Coachella and a little’ Central Park, but also with discovery of some elements dating back to the past, unearthed in the family drawers, which in Florence is active from over a century in jewelery. The necklaces are long, with semi-precious stones, such as white agate, sunset pink stones, dumorite and beads 18K gold. The sequence of spherical elements is tailored to the nuances of color: coral red bamboo is combined with pink or cream-colored. Carolina Bucci came to prominence almost by accident “I designed the first true pieces whe i was student in New York,” says the designer. “I have not had a store and did only what I liked. But those pieces appeared in Sex and the City and my name has become known. A bit too fast to be honest. ” But, obviously, those who have chosen the pieces of Carolina for fiction has done a good choise. Lavinia Andorno