Discovered in the USA a Frankenstein diamond, half natural and half artificial ♦ ︎
Like in horror movies or, if you prefer, science fiction, a hybrid is also advancing in jewelry. No, it’s not a zombie or a robot designer. This is what we could call the Frankenstein diamond. It is not a stone with a voice and heart, but a hybrid of a natural and artificial gem.
To discover it they were the experts of the Gemological Institute of America. In fact, Gia has identified a natural diamond that, however, has been coated with an artificial layer in the laboratory. Objective: to add weight and improve the color of the diamond. This means that soon on the market you will find not only the diamonds declaredly grown in the laboratory, but also the composite ones. How to classify them? Natural or artificial? There are no rules to protect the consumer, but also jewelers who could be misled.
The diamond discovered by Gia, for example, has the classic defects of natural diamonds, which guarantee its origin, but also traces of boron and nitrogen, which are rarely seen together in natural diamonds. The cushion-cut diamond, bluish-greenish-gray, weighs 0.64 carats. The image of the crown revealed a typical color of diamonds grown using the chemical vapor deposition process, one of the methods to create artificial diamonds. And a side view shows a distinct layer between the natural substrate and the added portion. In short, it was not easy to identify the mestizo stone. How many other Frankenstein diamonds are there in circulation? Federico Graglia

349 diamanti da laboratorio per 15,39 carati