That’s how tough your diamond

You want to know how tough is your diamond? In this video, a diamond is crushed by a hydraulic press. Look what happens.
How tough is the diamond of your ring? You run the risk of scratching or even it breaks? And if it went against something very solid? As you know, the diamond is the more tough element in the world. But this does not mean that it can withstand anything. Precisely: what is its level of resistance? There is who tried.

In this video you can see the outcome of the test: a 0.25 carat certified diamond Gia, worth about 2000 Euros, was crushed by a hydraulic press. The video has attracted more than 11.3 million views. It is not the first experiment with precious materials of Hydraulic Press channel: it has experienced the compression of a black diamond (graphite), a gold Rolex, of an ingot, as well as various other objects, from the iPhone to a sandwich of MacDonald. And the diamond? He Is’ gets along pretty well until…

La scala di Mohs, che misura il grado di durezza degli elementi: il diamante è al top
La scala di Mohs, che misura il grado di durezza degli elementi: il diamante è al top
Anello con diamante da 30 carati
Anello con diamante da 30 carati

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