Orecchino in oro gialli di Nikos Koulis indossato
Orecchino in oro gialli di Nikos Koulis

How to wear maxi earrings

Maxi earrings are fashionable. But how to wear them? And how to choose maxi suitable earrings? Here are the right advice ♦ ︎

Maxi earrings are fashionable, but they are not for everyone. First of all, you need to have the right body. Maxi earrings are banned to women too low or with a few extra pounds. The maxi earrings, in short, should not highlight the flaws, but enhance the merits, attract attention to the face with an irresistible appeal. And they must also be proportionate to the size and the build: do not wear them if they touch the shoulders, they can get caught up in the dress. Better to give up wearing jewelry that causes a comic effect, right?

Gli orecchini XL Hoops indossati
XL Hoops earrings worn, earcuff and hoop by Messika

The most important advice, however, is not about volume, but about weight. Eh, yes, before buying them pay close attention to the weight. To wear earrings for an entire evening they must be light, not annoying. Too heavy earrings can become torture on an evening and end up being taken off before returning home. And, then, what were they good for?

Anelli e orecchini indossati
Rings and earrings by Yeprem

There is also another, more serious aspect of earrings that are too heavy. In fact, some doctors have warned women about this aspect: earrings that are too large and heavy can cause irritation to the lobes. But not only that: in some cases, causing worse troubles. For example, if the maxi earrings cause scratches or injuries to the ears and, in the long run, also deform the earlobe.

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Diamonds Rain earrings, fringed in 18-karat white gold and diamonds by Tatiana Verstraeten

Another important point is the quality of the jewel. Often the maxi earrings are nothing more than costume jewelery, fun to wear, but of an uncertain quality. If you suffer from irritation or nickel allergy, pay attention to the material with which the earrings are made: they could cause discomfort and reactions to the skin.

Orecchini di Marie Mas indossati
Marie Mas earrings worn

In any case, the maxi earrings have been chosen by many celebrities on the red carpet and catwalks, on the occasion of awards and gala dinners. Maxi earrings are almost a social obligation, even if the shape of the jewels is left to personal taste. Pendants with precious stones, or shimmering gold: the important thing is that they are also visible from a highway overpass. Just take a look at the images: from Monica Bellucci to Meryl Streep, from Miley Cyrus to Jessica Chastain, all of them have chosen to wear large, showy earrings. Of course, at the end of an evening they can be a bit tiring to wear, but the result is guaranteed.

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Bracelet, earrings and necklace worn by Thot Gioielli
Orecchini indossati in «Lemonade»
Earrings worn in «Lemonade» by Beyoncé

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