S'Agapò, collana in acciaio e cristalli. Prezzo: 42 euro

S’Agapò starts again from Trinidad

S’Agapò Revolution. The Brosway group brand renews its collections on the eve of VicenzaOro Spring. The lines, which Gioiellis.com will publish in full in the next few days, have been named Affinity, Cruz, Drops, Faith, Hamlet, Honey, Kiss, Lullaby, Papillon, Rock Star and Trinidad. Each collection has its own particular design line. Let’s start with Trinidad, which includes nine necklaces with the same leitmotif: a steel chain from which three intertwined rings hang. Each ring, in turn, is decorated with a crown of white or colored crystals. The result is a collection of variations on the theme, which offers the possibility of matching a combination with the dress or mood of the day.

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