Paola Bagnoli e Alessandro Testi, marito e moglie rispettivamente direttore comunicazione e ad di Rebecca

Those secrets of Rebecca

Intuition, coherence and innovation are the ingredients of the success of Rebecca, a Made in Italy jewelry brand, one of the few that is constantly growing in times of crisis. As Alessandro Testi, at the helm of the company, explains in the article in the Affari e Finanza insert of the newspaper Repubblica, signed by Marcella Gabbiano. Here is the text:

«Even in these years of economic crisis, we have never lowered our guard. We have not chased the low. Easy sales reward immediately, but then end up distorting the brand». The coherence of Alessandro Testi, soul and guide of Rebecca – a jewelry brand that boasts the Made in Italy label, because everything is truly made in Italy – has been rewarded. From a turnover of 15 million euros in 2010, the maison has gone up to 26 million in 2013. And the results achieved in the first six months of the year, make it certain that the growth will be confirmed in the 2014 budget. The first company in the sector to use techniques used only in the world of goldsmith art in fashion jewelry, Rebecca (named after its first-born daughter) has received the award for technological excellence made in Italy from Confindustria. An award due to the constant investment in research and development: over the last three years, Industrie Testi has put more than 11 million euros on the table in technological innovation. Creating a production process, “from cutting to turning, from milling to welding, with high added value. Always maintaining an artisanal approach”. All the collections signed Rebecca are conceived, designed and created in the Empoli factory, which employs 150 people, as well as in the laboratories of the most important districts of jewelry made in Italy.

Orecchini Passion, in bronzo placcato rodio e glam film
Orecchini in bronzo placcato rodio e glam film

Continuously growing performance, therefore, which finds its raison d’être in a simple but fundamental intuition of the entrepreneur designer, a careful observer of the market: «The attitude of consumers towards jewels was changing, no longer seen as objects to be exhibited for their material value or as an investment, but as fashion accessories. Imaginative, interchangeable accessories, capable of giving that touch of eccentricity and diversity to the different outfits of women looking for something different and exclusive». So Rebecca was among the first to use alternative materials to gold. First of all steel «since white gold was the most popular at the time. Then silver, bronze and also the material obtained with the galvanic bath technique, which we all better know as gold plated». A market success that convinced Testi and his wife Paola Bagnoli (the brand’s communication director) to create a collection for the male universe in 2011 that is giving excellent results. In parallel, a line entirely in 925 silver and precious stones was born, called “Silver code” and a line of men’s and women’s timewatches that takes up the themes of the collections. Today, the entire “catalogue” signed Rebecca is distributed through 1,200 selected multi-brand stores in Italy and 1,000 abroad, in addition to about twenty single-brand stores in Italy, two in the Emirates Artabi and four in China, where the Italian brand has arrived thanks to a local retailer fascinated by the productions signed Rebecca».
Bracciale Palm Beach, in bronco placcato oro giallo
Bracciale Palm Beach, in bronco placcato oro giallo

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