The British tradition, the service for the royal house, the ancient or modern jewels, but always exceptional: all this is Bentley & Skinner ♦
“By Royal Appointment to Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Bentley & Skinner have between them Been buying and selling the loveliest jewelery since 1880″. Well, you get: here we speak of jewelers who have blue blood, the nobility of jewelry that is located in London, Piccadilly area. If you go there, dress you fine and do not forget a checkbook and a pill against heart attack. The crystal chandeliers and polished mahogany furniture might start turning around you at the time of writing the amount requested. On the other hand, if you go over the shock you purchased certainly a very valuable piece of jewelry.

Bentley & Skinner (beginning were two separate jewelers Bentley & Co, founded on Bond Street in 1934, and Skinner & Co., founded in 1881, a supplier of jewelry to Queen Victoria) have merged in 1998. The specialty is jewelry find and propose valuable jewelry, ancient, better if it have a little stuck story between diamonds and emeralds. You can find the tiaras Georgian diamond (if you have seen the series Downton Abbey the jewel was worn by Lady Mary) or traditional noble signet rings. Only in London, maybe you can find a jewelry store that specializes in antique jewelry as well equipped with high-class pieces. The aspect that distinguishes Bentley & Skinner is precisely the ability to find unique pieces that come directly from the past. Although for sale there are also modern jewelery. For example, in 2007 the company has collaborated with artist Damien Hirst to create a work entitled For the Love of God, a skull in platinum with 8,601 diamonds along with a full set of teeth.