Some time ago the Diamond Producers Association, which brings together companies in the mining sector, published a manifesto that contains some curiosities about the world of diamonds, as well as an indulgent interpretation of the activity of mineral extraction. The manifesto contains some information that may be of interest.

- Before there was life, there were diamonds. Diamonds were formed between 1-3 billion years ago, 100 miles below as deep as the earth’s surface. Diamonds are the oldest thing most of us will ever own or even hold.
- Diamonds are uniquely beautiful. No two, like snowflakes, are alike.
- Diamonds are rare and getting rarer. The last significant discovery of diamonds was almost 20 years ago and only approximately 50 locations around the world were found to contain diamonds viable for commercial mining. In 1 ton of rock, called kimberlite, you would be lucky to find 1 carat of diamond.
- Natural colored diamonds are the rarest. There is a 1 in 10,000 chance that a diamond will possess a natural color, whether that color is pink, yellow, blue, brown, gray or any shade in between.
- Globally more than 10 million people are suppor ted by the diamond industry.
- The Greeks and Romans believed diamonds were the tears of the gods and remnants of fallen stars. Romans also placed diamonds at the tip of Cupid’s arrow, which is one of the earliest associations to love.
- More than 99% o diamonds are now from conflict-free sources and are tracked under the UN mandated Kimberley Process since its inception in 2000.
- Diamonds create employment opportunities for mine workers and help them to not only make a good salary, but also obtain healthcare, create a better home environment and provide education for their children.
- The world’s leading mining companies take major steps to help maintain and protect the environments and wildlife that surround their mines. Mine Closure Plans are approved years before a mine opens to ensure the land and communities benefit long after the mine closes.
- Because of their age and origin, diamonds are scientists’ closest source to the center of the earth and provide clues to what the earth was like 2 billion years ago.