Damiani, anello in oro, zaffiri rosa, diamanti e morganite
Damiani, anello in oro, zaffiri rosa, diamanti e morganite

Everything about morganite

The morganite is a very attractive pink stone and less expensive than diamonds. Read what are the characteristics of the morganite in this tutorial.

The auctions of Christie’s and Sotheby’s have decreed that at the moment the kings of precious stones are pink diamonds. But if you like this color, morganite is one of the stones that offers this shade. The morganite, in fact, has a strong pink color and is found with different shades, more or less intense. On the other hand, it is a stone that is in fashion: great Maison, such as Pasquale Bruni or designers like Lydia Courteille have long used this stone for their high jewelery collections.

OreccOrecchini in oro rosa, diamanti bianchi brown, morganitehini in oro rosa, diamanti bianchi Brown, morganite
Orecchini in oro rosa, diamanti bianchi brown, morganite

The name. Few people know that morganite is named in honor of a banker. In fact, it takes its name from the American financier and banker passionate about precious stones, John Pierpont Morgan. He was one of the great bankers of the early twentieth century and still today the bank he founded is one of the largest and most important in the world. Morganite was discovered in Madagascar in 1910 by George Kunz, who proposed calling it morganite at a meeting of the New York Academy of Sciences, to honor his friend and client John Pierpont Morgan, who had granted him his financial support and to the important donations of gems to the American Museum of Natural History in New York and the Museum of Natural History in Paris. JP Morgan’s collection was then partly used by Tiffany, of which Kunz was the chief gemologist.

Ciondolo in oro con morganite
Ciondolo in oro con morganite di Spreng

Curiosity. Morganite becomes fluorescent and deep red in color when exposed to X-rays. The fluorescence disappears when it is no longer affected by the rays: it is an aspect to know if you have a jewel with morganite and want to wear it during an X-ray …

Orecchini con Morganite della collezione Atelier Vento
Pasquale Bruni, orecchini con morganite della collezione Atelier Vento

Description. The morganite is a variety of beryl, has delicate pink color, more or less intense. The pink beryl owes its color to the presence of minimal traces of manganese, often associated with impurities of cesium and rubidium. The main deposits are in Madagascar and Brazil. The morganite can form large crystals: in Brazil they found crystals up to 10 kilograms.
How is it worth. The morganite is rarer aquamarine, but large stones are easily available on the market. The value is also determined by the quality of the stone, for example, from its transparency. A ring with a good sized morganite can cost around 4000-5000 euro, but the price increases if it is associated with other stones.

Anello in oro bianco brunito con morganite e diamanti di Lorenza Bäumer
Anello in oro bianco brunito con morganite e diamanti di Lorenza Bäumer


Anello con morganite e tormaline
Anello con morganite e tormaline di Lydia Courteille


Collier Goddess Garden in oro, diamanti, morganite
Collier Goddess Garden in oro, diamanti, morganite di Pasquale Bruni


Anello in oro con morganite e diamanti
Anello in oro con morganite e diamanti di Carelle


Anello Twig in oro bianco e morganite
Anello Twig in oro bianco e morganite


Anello con gambo a forma di pesce, spinello rosa e zaffiri
Alessio Boschi, anello con gambo a forma di pesce, spinello rosa e zaffiri


Damiani, anello in oro, zaffiri rosa, diamanti e morganite
Damiani, anello in oro, zaffiri rosa, diamanti e morganite

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