In London, from Sotheby’s, the auctions come back with Cartier’s 1940s and 1950s pieces ♦ ︎
Jewelery auctions are back for fans of vintage pieces and for those who want to take some good blow. In London on September 20, Sotheby’s opens the new season’s dances with a very interesting jewelery sale. In the catalog there are, in fact, a number of Cartier pieces of the forties and fifties. In short, a good way to celebrate the arrival of the fall. They are jewels that use the register of naturalism, in vogue during the postwar period. Some are set using topaz with yellow and sherry color, but also citrines. The sale also includes a selection of jewels from notable 20th-century designers such as Grima, Pol Bury and Mosheh Oved, as well as pieces of Van Cleef, Bulgari and Boucheron and an eclectic mix of jewels from Edwardian and Art Deco periods. Federico GragliaSarah Hendler, West Coast jewelry” (Modifica)”>
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