Party with something precious in your hair: a tiara. Diadems and crowns are perfect jewels for a special evening ♦ A little
MoreJewelery and video games: a marriage that is not just virtual. Icelandic designer Guðbjörg Kristín Ingvarsdóttir, founder of the Aurum brand, worked
MoreEven the royals of Holland can boast a good number of important jewels. Here are what are ♦ Years ago, Maxima from
MoreThe jewels, and especially the tiaras, of the Queen of Spain Letizia ♦ ︎ Like all the queens, letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, wife
MoreDiadem and tiaras are all the rage, they can be precious or simple bijoux. Here is a selection and advice on how
MoreThe farewell to Queen Elizabeth touch millions of people. But the queen leaves a legacy not only linked to her institutional figure,
MoreWhich tiara to choose for the wedding? Better to take some examples from the famous ones. This was explained in a book
MoreDo you know what an aigrette is? It is a jewel that serves to highlight the hair and face. That’s what the
MoreSotheby’s has organized the largest diadem exhibition ever staged in London in the last 20 years (28 May – 15 June). The
MoreIt’s time for Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee. London has decided to celebrate the anniversary, from 2 to 5 June, with events